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Persephone Linnor

Casual Druidic Shoppe Owner

Persephone Antheia Linnor (a.k.a. Mrs. Linnor)

Persephone is an eladrin woman originating from the Feywild and migrating to Elewyn, Ybele, which she considers her hometown. Persephone is a headstrong, emotional woman with strong opinions, strong reactions, and a generally optimistic nature. She is known for having a green thumb and adoring plants and nature as a whole– as such, she is a druid and the owner of a small town florist and herbalist's shoppe in Elewyn. Due to her being an Eladrin she has an overtly intense emotionality, making her personality subject to drastic, consistent mood swings and emotional outbreaks, but overall she tries to be the most goodhearted she can be and help whoever walks into her shop or her home in need. As with most eladrin, no matter her season or the feelings that overtake her in the moment, she keeps her morals and ideals relatively sound, as well as her baseline personality– which can be more or less described as deeply lawful (to her morality and good versus evil in a person's actions and intentions), hospitable, benevolent to those who deserve benevolence, traditional, and with an intense, undying dignity to her. Though she appears kind and upbeat to the average person, she can and will stand for her values and does not, by any means, let anyone walk over her or bring evils into her house and home. For better or for worse. 
Persephone is the partner of Alastair Yumael, having two children, Fox Yumael Linnor and Madeline Linnor. Persephone is very close to Maddie, as she is also an eladrin, shares many interests, and as such she understands Maddie; how to treat her, how she thinks, and how to raise her. Persephone is much more distant with Fox, who never had a very strong connection with her to begin with, then broke that connection completely upon Alastair's death; not knowing what to do with him Persephone came to a breaking point with his worstening behavior and her lack of understanding. This eventually lead to Fox's expulsion to boarding school in Thabes, considering him a danger to Madeline's wellbeing as he began to mirror Alastair and what lead to his downfall, and considering a more structured environment to keep him in line. For all intensive purposes Fox was transferred to a private school, but the growing animosity, not being welcome in the home any longer, and having little attachment left to the family unit made the situation more of an eviction under the surface. She does not consider it such, but is certainly in denial– to what extent is unsure, but she maintains her dignity on the subject, making the current relationship tense and unforgiving. Madeline, staying in Elewyn, essentially apprenticed with her as Madeline grew up, learning druidic practice and other nature-based crafts and skills. Though somewhat lonely, with an unsavory lingering family history, her upbringing was otherwise peaceful and well-maintained. 
Persephone currently still lives in Elewyn and manages her shoppe, garden, and home. She has for around a century. Since the loss, she mourned for a longer time than most, as an eladrin feeling everything as strongly as possible would, however she eventually moved on and past it, accepting the reality and connecting with other people in her community to fill the void, knowing that is what he would want her to do– in fact, he likely even said those exact words as the pragmatic, emotionally-resistant realist that he is. As such, she ended up mostly content, doing quite well for herself and using him as more of a device for motivation to move forwards than for mourning and regret. She indulged herself completely in her work and her druidic practices, including the careful teaching of her daughter. Without need for full-time parenting, Madeline being a very easy child to care for, and without the constant unrest Fox's presence brought, being a direct and constant reminder of the loss and what caused it, she associated herself with other people and carried on.
In 1800 the last thing Persephone ever expected was her ex-husband– husband– partner?– appearing at her door, literally from the dead. The resurrection was supposed to be impossible, given Alastair's position as a Shadar Kai and as a direct advisor to the Raven Queen meaning his soul was under contract from birth to be promised to her upon death permanently to service her. That, on top of the face that resurrections aren't particularly common after 40-some odd years. In fact, they're more legendary than anything, something heard about in stories and tales from other people, but not something one usually experiences directly. Opening that door, her immediate response was to raise her voice and get ready to scold Fox for something, the figure through her window looking enough like him to assume such, but when the realization set in she broke down with simultaneous disbelief and exuberance. With a lot– like, really, alot– of things to sort out and address, Alastair stayed in Elewyn to do so and attempt resuming his life. Due to the penance of his resurrection being to hunt down and kill Aratus (a near-impossible task), his displacement among the living, and his relationship with the Forgotten Rogues being slowly but surely mended,  he didn't have much reason left to maroon himself to Elewyn indefinitely– instead, he lives with her between his excursions, mostly dedicating himself to his work and to making up for the hundred-some-odd years he was condemned to self-administered witness protection, not yet even middle aged and with newfound freedom.
Persephone stays the same. She is content with her life, generally, though the feeling of a splintered family still lingers in the times she finds herself alone in what used to be a lively, maybe even chaotic household. Madeline in the Feywild with her girlfriend-turned-wife for two years, Fox still distant and living with a family unit he made for himself in Thabes, and Alastair, though present rather than gone, being in and out, blatantly distracted and preoccupied. As she did upon Alastair's death, however, she makes up for it in being an avid member of her community and often associating with others around. The feeling is not that of loss anymore, nor a complete fracturing of her family, but rather that she may be trying to tape together pieces of a damaged relic instead of filling in the missing pieces with new people, new memories, and greater things– for an elf she certainly isn't old, 246 years out of 750 is not even a third of her life. Persephone is at a point where she has to make important choices and accept certain things that have happened and are happening in order to achieve something greater than the normalcy she's attempted to maintain for over a hundred years.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Persephone is a conventionally beautiful eladrin woman, appearing to be about in her thirties, though somewhat ambiguous in age. She has a lithe form like that of a dancer, but has more heartiness than expected of someone her size. Persephone has wavy, strawberry blonde hair, reaching her mid-to-low back, and much of her body is freckled and rosy from the sun. Her skin has a slight yellow-orange tint to it, as she is primarily a summer eladrin by default. She has golden eyes and a seemingly flawless face, with the exception of her eyes being slightly tired, out of place with the rest of her appearance, which can be attributed to emotional stress over the years. She typically wears looser fitting clothes to go with her typical activities of gardening and herbalism; comfortable pants, long skirts, or sundresses, often with an apron, gardening smock, or a sunhat. Often she has flowers in her hair such as marigolds, buttercups, black-eyed susans, and pomegranate flowers.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female | she/her



Personality Characteristics


  • To be happy and content with my life. 
  • To maintain family values to the best of my ability.
  • Not tolerating malevolent individuals or condoning horrid crimes against others. 
  • Standing by what is right and just.


Family Ties


Religious Views

Druidic follower of Mytera.


Persephone Linnor

Mother (Vital)

Towards Fox Yumael Linnor



Fox Yumael Linnor

Son (Important)

Towards Persephone Linnor




They do not tend to get along, and are very, very isolated from one another. They see the world very differently and have a complicated, rough past in which neither forgive each other for parts. They are on neutral grounds at the moment, but are not emotionally close.
Persephone extradited Fox from her home soon after Alastair was murdered. She veiled this underneath the excuse of enrolling him in a boarding school in Thabes, Ybele. The reason for this being half-justified in that he was off the rails and hard to handle, he went out of his way to disobey and challenge authority for fun and out of suppressed anger, and he didn’t fit in within the town of Elewyn, Ybele in any sense. In Fox growing up, Persephone had no idea how to raise a Shadar Kai child as the moral, biological, and planar opposite of an Eladrin like herself. After Alastair's death it came to Persephone's attention that Fox instilled her with a haunting dread and mourning often upon seeing him, as he is the spitting image of his father– that reminder also motivated the expulsion because with Fox’s reckless and unpredictable nature, she realized she didn't want Maddie going through what she herself had to with Alastair when Fox inevitably would get himself hurt, endangered, or killed. She decided to spare Madeline the trauma by distancing her physically and emotionally from her brother for her own good. Though he was allowed to come home on school designated holidays or other specific events that she clarified, for most of them he decided not to, as he felt betrayed and isolated and didn’t really ever forgive his mother.

Nicknames & Petnames

  • Fox calls her either "mom", "mother", or "Persephone" depending on his mood and the situation.
  • Persephone mostly only calls him by his birth name, Kaedriel, or his dreaded nickname "Kaedie". Fox despises both of these options, as he has gone by the name fox for many years and identifies with that name wholly.

Shared Acquaintances

Madeline Linnor, Alastair Yumael, Inoor Velenin, Thorin Redbeard, Noma, Ryze Comécia, etc.

Legal Status

Immediate Family

Persephone Linnor

Wife (Vital)

Towards Alastair Yumael



Alastair Yumael

Husband (Vital)

Towards Persephone Linnor




On an odd, somewhat diplomatic informational assignment to the Feywild Alastair met Persephone Linnor, a stubborn, passionate Eladrin. He took no real liking to her at first, finding her somewhat grating in his somewhat depressive state at the time, but over the time she was assigned to be his guide through the Feywild he found that her relentless, occasionally volatile emotional presence to her character was familiar and something oddly intriguing to him. Due to this connection he decided to pursue a relationship, finding that she was a potential vehicle for his hiding and redirecting from his past activities. After some time, with a surprising amount of ease as she took a quick liking to him and his levelheadedness in comparison to her, she began a life in Elewyn as a druidic florist, herbalist, and healer and invited him to live with her as he didn't technically have a home.
From there, Alastair considered himself close to her after a while. He never completely became separated from his initial reasoning for pursuing her; not feeling as if the two were perfect for one another or a match made in heaven exactly. But he was content at the time, and with her present he no longer felt alone– that meant alot to him. He settled, and he did consider them functional and her an interesting, important person in his life. They were married in 1693, and by complete accident had their first child, Fox Yumael Linnor, three years later in 1696. They would go on to have one more child, this one by Persephone's request rather than by accident, Madeline Linnor.

Nicknames & Petnames

  • Alastair is not a petnames kind of person, as such he mostly only calls her "Persephone" or "Seph".
  • Persephone is far more of a petnames kind of person and will call him by "Alastair" in addition to various other endearments such as "dear", "honey", "sweetheart", and so on. 

Shared Acquaintances

Madeline Linnor, Fox Yumael LinnorInoor Velenin, Thorin Redbeard, Noma, Ryze Comécia, etc.

Legal Status


Persephone Linnor

Mother (Vital)

Towards Madeline Linnor



Madeline Linnor

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Persephone Linnor




Due to their both being Eladrins, they have a good understanding of one another and how they function. Madeline was raised by Persephone in a very direct way, as Madeline was also interested in many of the same things as her mother– nature, gardening, animals, druidic practices, and healing to give examples.

Nicknames & Petnames

  • Madeline mostly just calls her "Mom"
  • Persephone calls Madeline "Maddie" often, but also a plethora of endearments, such as "sweetie", "hon", "my dear", and so on.

Shared Acquaintances

Alastair YumaelFox Yumael LinnorInoor Velenin, Thorin Redbeard, Noma, Ryze Comécia, etc.

Legal Status

Immediate Family

Lawful Good
Current Location
Alastair Yumael (Husband)
Current Residence
Long, strawberry blonde, wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rosy sunkissed beige
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Kaedriel, you better take care of your sister. Buy her some candy. You understand?"
"Is he aware that flower is a parasite?"
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Elvish
  • Sylvan
  • Common

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