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Poisseau (Pwa-so)

The Ducal capital of the Duchy of Poisseau, it is the second smallest town of its type being closer in size to a provincial town rather than a ducal city. Poisseau's prominence comes from the fact it holds the Royal navy.  


Due to its size, the town is only split into three sections. The first is the town itself which consists of a small port, a market area, and various residential and commercial houses. This area also holds the temple of The Goddess and an old Count's mansion. This is the old town from when the Empire ruled the area.   The second section is the Ducal town, built in a small castle overlooking the town, this has the basic needs for a Duke's residence including household knights' quarters, apothecary, metal smiths, fletchers, barracks, and servant quarters. It noticeably lacks the castle town of other ducal castles, using the existing town.   The final section is the royal dock. This is a large stone dock area that includes taverns, bunkhouses, and warehouses. The port holds over a hundred ships making it as big as the other two sections combined, confusing a lot of travelers on arrival.  


Though Poisseau existed long before as a small village similar to Boulon in the north, the third Rivell crusade saw a lot of the area around it destroyed. After driving out the Empire of Akoom, King Charles built up Poisseau to hold the new royal navy and take control of the area, Naming his brother as Duke.  

Navel base

Building the navel port first, Poisseau's population doubled within a year. This led to new trade coming into the city and despite its size, the quality of life increased to that of other larger trade cities in the area. It also, despite its distance from the front, became the main supply hub for the Basq war. After the war the town focused on dealing with pirating in the Gem sea, reestablishing an anti-piracy deal with Lacertillia.  

Rivellian Civil war

During the early Crisis of the Fey age, Poisseau provided a safe harbor for ships traveling along the coast, not really getting involved directly, it did however put a bounty out on the Ghost ship and any information on it. During the breakout of the Rivellian Civil war, Poisseau became the site of the third major battle of the war as the Basq fleet ambushed the royal fleet, the royal fleet achieving victory, thanks to the intervention of Grunkle's wraith. The town has now gone to full war status, everything being done for the naval war effort, long quiet shipyards coming back to life, and mass wood import orders being placed with the north.
Founding Date
22 Zabar, 250 Blood
Owning Organization


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