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What the nobles like to call the Eternal Kingdom, Rivell is a land of extravagant and opulent nobles, courtly love, and honorable knights, on the surface at least.  


During the Phervian Empire, the land of Rivell was separated into several administrative areas. These would be liberated during the slave revolts by The Purple knights with several cities rising up to control several areas. The Florens then ruled from Caen, Rivell's first capital, in Iti's name, before moving to Teaxerr.   While Rivell prospered during the Rebel age, it came under attack in the second-century Divine age by the Empire of Akoom. The northern duchies fell by the two-hundred divine, the rest fell in the following two centuries. During this time the old administrative borders weren't continued, instead following large Imperial areas. It is believed The Game was started under Imperial rule as a way to counter their authority at reduced risk.   In 130 Blood, Par Royvaux rebelled against the empire, becoming the new capital of a free Rivell under the Tousor family. After the rebellion, they added Orson and the kingdom of Basq to their territory. The capital would move again in the late eighth century Blood to Vauxdoncourt when the Catilan family disgraced the Tousor Queen via an indiscrete bard. The Kingdom would pass through several dynasties through a mix of political marriage and playing the game.   This would be the state till 122 Fey, when Duchess Catorine of Basq pushed her claim to the throne, starting a civil war. Though the civil war was won by Stephan, the true king of Basq, for Rivell allowing aid to be sent west.  

The Duchies

While the Duchies owe loyalty to the Monarch in theory, each Duke or Duchess has a large amount of autonomy in which to rule their lands. These duchies are further separated into several counties, each with a regional town or City administering it.  

La Vauxdoncourt

The Capital duchy is ruled over directly by the ruling monarchy ruled from the capital Vauxdoncourt, It also holds the counties of Fang Fort, Sanguine, and Sudcanard. A very Prosperous area made up of flat fertile land, with Sanguine being a major producer of wine.  


Though classified as a Duchy, Caen is actually only a county with special status due to being the home of the Purple Knights. As a result, it has both Iti as the duchess of the area and a count who runs the city. The area is fully self-sufficient, allowing the knights to do their duty without worry.  

Par Royvaux la Lyon

Also known as the twin duchy, the castle of Royvaux and the city of Lyon both hold the title of duchy capital, with Royvaux normally housing the Duke and Lyon holding the administration. The county of Antalose also falls under this duchy and is the main source of iron for the kingdom. Royvaux boosts the biggest military of all the Duchys with the exception of Ormons who can field a similar size, though only with help from their puppet state.  


The coastal Duchy, Teaxerr is considered the wealthiest district, with a high noble population out in the villages rather unlike other areas. The county of L'or Diable also houses an uncommonly large Tiefling population. This area is also known to mostly stay out of politics of the Kingdom, and rumors have the Joker's inn in one of its cities.  

La Reuile

The city of Reulie is home to several universities, The duchy is split between the wealthy upper class and the poor slums, especially in the city, and is prone to unrest in problematic times. While the county of Fluerforet holds the country palace of the monarch and several other nobles as well as large hunting grounds for the nobles.  


Though a Duchy in its own right, it is a royal duchy, often ruled by a close family member of the crown. The city of Poisseau also holds the royal fleet. It is considered a poor duchy when compared to the other southern duchies, however, it is wealthier and easily equal to most city-states of the west. A large number of villages dot the coast, with open plains inland. Though it does have a county to the south, the lack of a major town in the area has left it forgotten and unnamed.  


The northern duchy, was a relatively small duchy during the Rebel age, being expanded to encompass the entire north under the empire of Akoom, only to be split up at the end of the Blood age due to fears of its power. The area still holds a large cult to Akoom, though they refuse to accept the prophet as a messenger of Akoom. While a relatively poor district, it has the smallest gap between the upper and lower classes and the most content populace. The counties of Boulon and Peubre provide wood from the Dread Forest to the whole kingdom.  


The counties of Cagnoy and Nordfer were split off from Tourlu into their own duchy, creating the poorest duchy of the Kingdom. Similar to Tourlu this Duchy has a content lower class, however, both areas stagnated after being declared their own duchy, with neither central town growing into a proper hub. During the Fey age, this stagnation seemed to end at Cagnoy, with rumors of magical influence.  


The Dragonborn duchy of Orslon is the most untamed area of the Kingdom, with several tribal villages in the territory. These tribes are happy enough to leave the Rivellian nobles who visit the area alone as long as they do likewise. The only city is Orslon which serves as a retreat for several nobles of the kingdom and holds the royal summer palace.  


Though the official title and capital of the Duchy are Ormons, its leaders still use Basq as the title and base of operations. A reasonably wealthy district, it holds the only city on the Rivellian sea. The Duchy was a kingdom in its own right till conquered by Rivell. In 122 Fey the Duchess rebelled, claiming descent from both the Basq and old Rivellian royal families.  


Once part of the Kingdom of Basq, Pesse was split off to try and reduce their power, this however has not been the case and Pesse is a puppet duchy of Ormons. Though it only holds one town and is mostly farms and fishing villages, it is more populated then several other Duchies.

Kings and Queens

Hennequin Rousseau (283 Rebel-323 Rebel)
Oliverus Rousseau (323 Rebel-416 Rebel)
Alina Jacquet (749 Rebel-813 Rebel)
Margeria Chappelle (70 Divine-91 Divine)
Gervasius Rousseau (91 Divine-150 Divine)
Damien Rousseau (150 Divine)
Lazuria Waterbane (150 Divine-151Divine)
Akoom Empire (151 Divine-130 Blood)
Jaquin Tousor (130 Blood-161 Blood)
Isolda Tousor (952 Blood-980 Blood)
Mabill' Catilan (980 Blood-10Chroma)
Anora Rosa (73 Fey-)
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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