(a.k.a. the desolator)
A large yellow topaz dragon, Zumontiarth 'sided' with the mind flayers during the slave rebellion he patrolled the gem sea trying to prevent any of the rebels from joining up. As the war went on she less interested in fighting eventually just not even going on patrol. After the war when Miodulth awoke, Zumontiarth took him under her wing. Zumontiarth prefers lazing on the cliff edge of his island.
He also sees the whole area of the Desolate Isles as his territory, including Lacertillia, Though he never enforces this claim unless he has to.
Called into action twice in the crisis of the Fey age, the first was to save a group of adventures from The webbed thicket. The second was in that Battle of Voidcape, where he was severely injured.