The Academy is a school located in Ilyrium. Students enter the Academy at around age ten, after being homeschooled by either their parents or a tutor. No magical knowledge is required to enter the Academy.
There are four grades at the Academy. Students start at Grade 1 and progress accordingly. At the end of each year, a test is given to ensure students have learned what is required of them. Rarely, a student will have to repeat a grade.
Magic basics
The ultimate goal of the Academy is to ready students for the Institute. Students are expected to learn Foundational Magic at the Academy. Not being able to perform Foundational Magic would be a great embarrassment to a witch.Exams
Before entering the Institute, students must pass their Exams, issued by the Magisterium. As such, most students take their Exams either right before they graduate the Academy, or very shortly after. Successful completion of Exams also means a witch obtains their Level Seven.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild