Arkanen Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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Arkanen is the most prominent independent moon orbiting Liavara.[1]   Geography Arkanen constantly bleeds off its atmosphere like a comet, which would normally render the moon uninhabitable, but every year its atmosphere is replenished when its eccentric orbit causes it to pass through the upper layers of Liavara's atmosphere.[1] Spectacular and extremely dangerous storms result, with huge bolts of lightning arching between the two worlds that are harnessed by both scientists and spellcasters.[1] Under the normal understanding of physics such an orbit is impossible, and how or why the moon's orbit came to be is unknown.[1]   Inhabitants Arkanen is heavily populated and home to two native intelligent species: the dirindi and sazarons. Its annual orbital phenomenon is also a major draw for researchers and arcanists of all species across the Pact Worlds system.[1][2]   Arkanen and the Pact Worlds Arkanen is one of relatively few moons within the Pact Worlds system to be granted full, independent membership to the Pact Worlds' Pact Council.[3] As a full Pact Worlds member Arkanen sends voting representatives to the Pact Council on Absalom Station.
Type Moon Orbits Liavara System Pact Worlds system Inhabitants Dirindi Sazarons
Planetoid / Moon
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