Osoro Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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Osoro is the second most civilized moon orbiting Liavara after Arkanen.   Geography Osoro's lower atmosphere consists of seas of poisonous gas breathed out by sulfuric vents and the moon's jungles. The highest mountains poke past the toxic gases to reach the oxygen-rich upper atmosphere.[1][2]   Inhabitants Prior to the Gap, Osoro was colonised by dirindi from Arkanen. They build their settlements on mountaintops and share their habitat with undocumented predators living in the toxic seas. These dirindi consider themselves pioneers and hardier than their cousins who remained on Arkanen. They use solar-powered gliders to get from mountaintop to mountaintop, while corrosive-resistant vessels dive into the poisonous clouds to study ancient ruins. Notable settlements include the capital Orosalos, the spaceport Tholem, and wide-but-narrow Saborosaan.[1][2]   Osoro and the Pact Worlds Osoro is a full member of the Pact Worlds government, independent of Liavara.[2]
Type Moon Adjective Osoran Orbits Liavara System Pact Worlds system
Planetoid / Moon
Location under

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