Kalo-Mahoi Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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A water world covered in a shell of ice, Kalo-Mahoi is a moon that orbits Bretheda and an independent Pact Worlds member.   Description Kalo-Mahoi is covered in an icy crust covering moon-wide frigid seas.[1] The world's icy crust contains numerous spaceports and liaison centers, which the native kalo constructed to make the moon more inviting to air-breathing races.[1] Despite its aquatic nature, the moon is the most industrialized of Bretheda's moons.[1]   Inhabitants The aquatic kalo call Kalo-Mahoi home. The kalo live in organic vent-cities, from which they dominate the Pact Worlds system's art and fashion scenes.[1]   Kalo-Mahoi and the Pact Worlds Kalo-Mahoi and the moon's primary residents, the kalo, are acknowledged as full-fledged Pact Worlds members independent of Bretheda.[1] As an independent Pact Worlds member, the kalo have their own independent representatives on the Pact Council on Absalom Station.[1]
Type Moon Orbits Bretheda System Pact Worlds system Inhabitants Kalo (aquatic)
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