Marata Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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Marata, characterized by its arid forests, is the largest of Bretheda's dozens of moons.   Inhabitants Marata's primary inhabitants are the seven-gendered furry maraquoi.[1] The maraquoi have made the leap from a paleolithic to spacefaring society in just a few generations, leading to anthropological debate as to whether the race's culture and fundamental right to develop at their own pace are being taken from them.[1] The majority of the maraquoi resent the potential of their access to the Pact Worlds system being restricted, however, and have begun a mass exodus from Marata out into the rest of the solar system.[1]   Marata and the Pact Worlds Marata is considered to be a protectorate of the Pact Worlds. Most maraquoi seek to elevate it to the status of full member, except for a small minority of traditionalists and xenoarchaeologists who think that their culture is developing too fast and insist on more protections.
Type Moon Orbits Bretheda System Pact Worlds system Inhabitants The seven-gendered maraquoi
Location under

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