Stroitel Ventures

Stroitel Ventures is a mega-corporation based out of Vladivostok, Russia focused on space colony architecture and planetary construction technology.

The company prides itself on its robust engineering standards and eco-friendly technologies, ensuring that the colonies they build are not only functional but also minimize impact on the native ecosystems of planets like Artemis.


The Corporation has made available in the Artemis colony several positions, including High-Ranking Corporate OfficersFrontier Envoys (Corporate Representatives)EngineersSecurity Officers and Field Scouts.


Stroitel Ventures believes in sustainability and self-reliance. Drawing on the harsh lessons learned in building Arctic infrastructure. Their colonies are designed to be self-sufficient, capable of withstanding both environmental extremes and the unpredictable challenges of space.

Public Agenda

Stroitel Ventures handles construction projects in the colony. Those who wish to start a construction project should reach out to a Stroitel Ventures employee to get started on it. They are capable of handling anything from renovation of rooms to the construction of massive structures, although they will all be associated to a cost.


The company maintains its headquarters in a towering smart-building arcology overlooking the Sea of Japan, a structure that not only houses corporate offices but also a high-tech R&D center focused on the next generation of space construction.


A group of visionary engineers and entrepreneurs, led by Yuri Stroganov, a former Arctic infrastructure architect, founded Stroitel Ventures.

Stroitel Ventures was born out of Arctic expansion efforts. As the Arctic ice melted, Russia needed robust construction solutions to build permanent structures in the extreme climate. Yuri Stroganov, a lead engineer on several high-profile Arctic projects, saw an opportunity to extend his expertise beyond Earth. With the push for space colonization gaining momentum, Stroganov founded Stroitel Ventures with the goal of exporting the advanced engineering techniques he developed for the Arctic to the harsh landscapes of newly discovered planets.

Initially focused on designing self-sustaining Arctic colonies that could survive in one of the world’s most hostile environments, Stroitel Ventures caught the attention of major space agencies and corporations eager to create permanent off-world settlements. They quickly became a leader in space colony architecture and planetary construction technology.

In the year 2169, Stroitel Ventures started the construction efforts for the planet of Artemis at Callysto Crater.

We Build to Endure

Corporation, Construction


Stroitel Ventures and the Multilateral Base Control have embarked on the colonization of Artemis. Stroitel Ventures has sent envoys to the Artemis Expeditor to reach Artemis and support construction efforts.


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