Scene: Finding the Orchard

It should be around here, but I can't see anything but the vast ocean. How did her words go again? "A ray of sun will pierce a cloud ...licking the horizon..." Dammit, everything out here looks the same - how am I supposed to see, what I'm looking for? Blocked by riddles and nonsense!

"How unusual a time for a single swan to be migrating!"

A voice calls from underneath. To loudly directed at me to be a loud thought. I look down and see a dark skin boat that definitely wasn't there a minute ago. In it a man is standing, looking at me, smiling, beconing me to join him.

"Come rest yer wings, lassie!"

He calls out as he sits down. A bearded man with a long loose ponytail and big arms. Had I seen him closer to land, I wouldn't have batted an eye, but not this far out. This is not a random event. I try to discern what I can see from a distance, while feigning ignorance. The man looks rugged ...human. His hair is conveniently covering his ears. The boat looks traditional... old... unusual. Could he be a gatekeeper?

"Well, what's it gonna be?"

I quickly scan the horizon again to no avail and, against my better judgement, soar towards his boat, landing as far away from him as I can. My wings ache as I fold them. This must've been a fairly short flight for a swan maiden - They must have way stronger arms than their skinny frames suggest.
The man looks at me with such a gentle, disarming smile. I wonder were to go from here. If we need to talk, I need to shed this skin, but there is no way, I'm baring it all on a small boat with a strong-looking stranger - man, fae, spirit or whatever he may be.
"Oh!" He blurts out, pulling me from my thoughts. He scans the boat before grabbing a blanket and presenting it to me, as if he realized my predicament as well. "For the change" he says, revealing that he definitely is in the know. I nod and he throws the blanket towards me, and I shed the skin, grapping the cloth from the air and pulling it around me, hoping that I haven't revealed too much in the process. I feel exposed for a moment before noticing his face turned to the side, eyes resting on the horizon and a soft smile peeking out under his mustache. Like he's more fascinated by the ocean than catching a glimse of skin, and my body calms a bit.
"Nice day for," I say, trying my best to sound more relaxed than guarded. His eyes light up.
"Indeed it is" he states without skipping a beat - his eyes scouting a bit before turning them towards me, smiling, winking as he continues: "If you know what to fish for, at least."
"There must be better places to look for swan maidens than way out here," I inquire. I better not give him any more information than what I assume he already knows. Until I know what his deal is anyway.
"Oh I'm sure there are," he answers dismisslingly, in his booming yet jovial voice. "But not ones that have business with The Orchard Gardener. Hungry?" With the last word he casually grabs a bag - one of several cluttering up the boat - digs a hand into it and presents a chokolade bar to me. He senses my caution, but brushes it off naturally, as he puts the bar into his own mouth and throws me the bag, before unwrapping his own.
Noticing the roar of my stomach, I go against my better judgement again and opens the bag. It's full of chokolade bars wrapped in all colors and sizes - several from other countries sporting other letters too even. A weird bag to bring, unless you know that many fae have a sweet tooth and low self-control about it. I grab one I recognize in response to my stomach consistent rumbling. I'll need the energy for the trip home. Le man responds in a content grunt, and we eat in a moment of silence - me keeping an eye on my mysterious host, and him peering out, as if taking in the sights.

"You know Idun," I say - half a question, half a statement.

"Sure do!" he answers and lets out a sigh. "...or used to at least. Long ago."

My heart skips a beat. Could he be a norse god himself. Or not a god, because they are not gods, just very old, wise and powerful high fae who have done incredible things. I try to reel back my train of thought. Try to keep myself from fawning over some ancient celebrity, like some simple fangirl. Remind myself that they are just like the Elders at the Glade. No more - no less. Bracing myself for whatever he answers, I have to ask:

"And what was your name again?" It came out a bit ruder than I wanted it to, but he gladly responds.

"Oh, right! I seem to have forgotten my manners - Manny's my name. Pleased to meet ya, Miss...?" He presents his large hand to me, and shake it, forgetting to be careful in the moment.
"Uhh, Alea." Should I have fed him a fake name? I probably should have, shouldn't I.
"Alea", he repeats as if tasting the word itself. "A lovely name - like a lone flower on a grassy meadow". Putting his hands on his knees, he sends a warm smile.
'Manny'. That name certainly hadn't been on any corriculum I could remember. Could he be the son of somebody then? Would he take offence if I asked him?
"I don't believe I recognize your name," I say leadingly.

"And I yours," he responds, letting out a warm hearty laughter, before gliding over into a more solemn expression.

"Now, Alea... I'm afraid this is not a chance meeting." He looks slightly guilty, as he continues slowly, like looking for the right way to convey his next words.
"The thing is - I have actually been waiting out here for someone like you. Someone who can help me out of quite the pickle. You see, Idun, bless her heart, and yours truly - we were a bit of a thing back in the day, but we had a rough falling out, you might say. Feud between families - you know the kind. And now I stand before you - a defeated man - locked out in the cold. Sad and miserable... But you - you can help me - be my salvation." I open my mouth to interject, but he continues, "Now I know that she is not ready to talk to me, right now - or about me even, so I would not ask of you to talk to her on my behalf, mind you. All I'm asking for is more time on my clock - so to speak - To give her time to mend and have me still ...being around when she eventually comes around".
So no intermediating, I sigh in relief. However my inability to find the entrance halts me from helping either of us at the moment.
"Now, I noticed you flying around for quite a bit out here. Would I be amiss in assuming that you may be a bit lost in regards to the island?"
I guess my face must have revealed as much. No choice but being somethat honest then.
"Yeah, I guess, I forgot..."

"Never you mind - 'Happens to the best of us!" Any signs of sadness gone from his merry demeanor. "This is one thing, I never forget though - even if I am unable to return myself. However, before I show you, I need to know if you'll help me with my tiny request". His larger than life body language gesturing a small gap between his thumb and index finger.
I sigh. I have tried for hours to find the right sign that leads the way to the island to no avail. I know better than striking deals with fae, but I also cannot fail the Glade. Everybody's waiting for me to return. And this man has the answer I need. A distressed man with a story of love and loss. I'm assuming he is asking for an apple from the orchard - same as what I already need - Hopefully not a problem. I have to make this deal, and hope he is as honest as he feels in my heart.

"What is your request?"

"An apple, as you might have guessed already. However-" His face strains into a cautious smile "It has to be plucked secretly".

"No deal"

"It will be safe, I assure you! You just have to grab one from the right tree. She knows most trees and most fruits on them, but there are a few from which you can pick one - just one - and she'll never know. A-and I will live long enough to be here, when she is ready to see me again. So really, you're doing her a favor too."

"It would still be stealing"

"It would be for love! Mine and hers! And all for a small fruit - that noone would ever miss - in a garden of hundreds of fruits that will never be used - never given, never eaten. What would go to waste, could safe a life!"

I glance across the sea, still nothing that indicated any sign I had been looking for for hours on end. And hearing the desperation in his voice, my heart aches for this man - 'Manny' or whoever he may be. It would be meeting Idunn - the Idunn - with the agenda of fooling and stealing from her. But it wouldn't be for my own gain. It would be for love! His love for Idunn, and my love for the Glade. I cannot return empty handed either. I sigh, and by his beaming joy, I can tell, he knows he has won me over.

"There will be no risk to you. There will be a moment, where she is ...distracted - Nothing major, nothing harmful - and you just grab an apple from the closest tree at that moment. But not one of the outer hanging fruits, mind you. One from directly above the trunk, hidden just up in the crown. All will be fine, you'll see!"

"If- and I mean if I get a chance to do it, I will." I give him a resigned nod.

"That's all I ask," he answers, grinning from ear to ear, spreading his arms out wide. I hadn't noticed before, but he had been fastening a somewhat large rucksack to a very large hook - no, an anchor. I open my mouth to ask, but he cuts me off in a clear tone. "I shall leave you to it then... I believe the door is that way". He scouts the clouds quickly, points out at a spot, and as I look over, trying to see what he sees, it appears painfully visible - a white cloud licking the horizon, a ray of the late afternoon sun shining through it, leaving a glittery effect, that definitely wasn't there before. "Better hurry, while it's visible!"
He doesn't have to tell me twice. I'm already donning the swan skin, and setting off, and behind me, I can hear him yell: "Just take your time, I'll be here!" The last part fading, as I steer towards the beam of shimmering light, and all my senses are suddently overwhelmed by strokes and flashes. I see what is and what isn't, smells, sounds, something brushing my wings gently, as I pass between worlds, reacting to both of them at once, before my senses settle on one of them. And not the one I came from.



Alea, wearing a swan skin, is flying above the calm waters of the North Sea, in a race against time to find the hidden entrance to Idunn's orchard.


Despite knowing what to look for, Alea cannot find the right place. Her wings are aching and her frustration is showing.

Rising Action

A voice calls from a small boat, which wasn't on the waters before, and Alea will have to engage with the owner of the boat.


A meeting between two strangers on a mystical boat in the middle of nowhere.

Falling Action

Alea fights a moral battle with herself, as the man pleas for her help.


Alea decides to aid the man in exchange for him showing her the way forward.



Aleas goal here is to find the entrance to Idunn's Orchard, which lies hidden in Otherworld/Elsewhere/Andetsteds, tied to our world at this place.


Can she not find her way to Idunn, Alea fears the worst for her home, Evergreen Glade.



The changeling Alea who has borrowed a Swan Skin from the Swan Maiden Lív. She is here to find Idunn and request apples for her home, Evergreen Glade, where age has caught up to all her friends rapidly.



Far out above the North Sea, on a calm day. To far for any land to be in sight. The sky is cloudy and the ocean still.
This is where the entrance to Idunn's hidden Orchard should be.


An investigation becomes a meeting with stranger.
Plot type
Related Characters

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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