
Alea Evergreen

Alea is the protagonist and reluctant hero through whom we explore the world of The Unveiled. She is an orphaned Changeling, trying to find her place in the big city, while Destiny has bigger plans for her than she likes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alea is pretty short in stature, boardering to petite, she is small-chested, and is leaning towards an athletic build.

Identifying Characteristics

Her warm tanned skin and ruby red hair, makes her easy to recognize on a distance.

Special abilities

None she is aware of. Most Changelings are irremarkable, until they activate their dormant Fay genes, and Alea has chosen not to.

Apparel & Accessories

She likes wearing something turquise as it matches her eyes.
More of a pants girl, she doesn't do dresses or skirts, if she can avoid it.
Generally wears sneakers as they are easy to run in.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Switched as an infant, Alea was unknowingly a hidden fay child in place of a human child.
At around the age of ten, The Great Veil fell, meaning that all glamours hiding the fay among humans faded, and Alea's skin and hair color changed, in addition to her ears now ending in pointy tips.
When Alea was revealed as a Fay and not their human child, they thought they had nurtured, they disowned her and left her on the curb of an orphanage.
She found a place, with the fellow Fey Folk and Changelings of Garden City, and got to live in Evergreen, where she has lived until the begining of her saga.


Alea is mostly straight.


She has followed normal school until The Unravelling of the Veil, and she has been schooled by The Elders of Evergreen at Evergreen since then, focusing more on wildlife and everyday skills.


When Alea was 18, she joined a new delivery company started by an Àlf for the sake of delivering products to and from the fay community, but they do normal deliveries too. All their workers are Changelings and Fey Folk.
Alea enjoys feeling "normal", and is very happy having a real job, in that regard. Her delivery route partner is Iolani.

Mental Trauma

Being a child of abandonment has left Alea afraid of rejection - always expecting to be thrown aside by others.
She avoids emotional intimacy in the belief that she then has the upper hand and won't be hurt when people inevitably breaks her trust.
She sports a demeanor of always being collected and in control, as she is afraid to show vulnerability, thinking that others will take advantage of it.
Confronted with injustice and unfairness, Alea becomes incredibly angry, and has to be talked down by her friends not to do anything rash.

Morality & Philosophy

Alea tries to keep to herself and not "rock the boat". She is not politically engaged, but when her fellow people are treated unfairly, she get very passionate about it. She very cares much about her people.
Alea will go through heaven and hell for those close to her, even though she believes that they all should make sure to be capable of defending themselves.

Personality Characteristics


Alea desires to be unremarkable. She wants to be any other natural woman doing normal person stuff, but never at the expence of her fellow Changelings.
She is most motivated by her community, their well-being and their safety, which she will go far to protect (and might have to too).

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She spends a lot of time running track, and does some amateur kickboxing.

Virtues & Personality perks

Her willingness to take up the fight, when needed - even against a formidable opponent - is commendable.

Vices & Personality flaws

When her friends are not around to talk her down, her anger puts her in some regrettable pickles.
Due to her abandonment issues, she has a hard time opening up for romance, believing they will leave her as soon as she lets her guard down.
She tends to avoid getting to know the younger changelings, because she is afraid of losing them, when they become true Fey Folk.


Contacts & Relations

As with many of the Unveiled, Alea sticks mostly to her community. She is very loyal to people who prove trustworthy, but she has a hard time trusting new faces.

Family Ties

Alea has no contact with her human family, and - like many changelings - she does not know her original parents.
She considers the Evergreen community the only family she needs.

Social Aptitude

Hiding her insecurities, Alea protrudes confidence, often appearing cool and collected to most strangers, but she is visibly very caring about her friends.
When she becomes angry, all of her feelings are out in the open.
Alea is unflirty. She does have an interest in men, but she is uncomfortable flirting - especially in public


Alea has a deep and rich voice, which can be commanding when needed.



best friend (Vital)

Towards Zeldine




best friend (Vital)

Towards Alea



Shared Acquaintances

Alea and Zeldine know many of the same local fae and street urchins. It's usually Zeldine introducing them to Alea.


romantic interest (Important)

Towards Falk




romantic interest (Important)

Towards Alea




Zeldine introduced the two of them to each other, while she was having a thing with another of the Hunters.

Relationship Reasoning

They are both lost in a big world, looking for comfort and safety

Shared Acquaintances

Both of them know Zeldine, and Alea has met at least some of the other hunters


Best friend (Vital)

Towards Lív, the Swan Maiden



Lív, the Swan Maiden

Close friend (Vital)

Towards Alea




Lív met Alea during her flock's first winter stay at Evergreen Glade, where they became fast friends, Lív really latching on to Alea, whenever her flock would be in EG.

Nicknames & Petnames

Lív calls Alea "Allie"

Relationship Reasoning

Lív is was younger than the other Swan Maidens and was happy to stay for a while at a place with kids her own age, connecting most with Alea.

Shared Acquaintances

Both being at least partially raised at Evergreen Glade, they know many of the same people.


ward and friend (Vital)

Towards Mia, the Banshee



Mia, the Banshee

lost big sister (Important)

Towards Alea




After The Unravelling, Mia swallowed a lot of her own fear and confusion to help take care of the younger changeling children, and she really cared for all of them. Alea cared a lot for Mia and saw her as the most important support in the chaos.

When Mia underwent the Sigrblót and ran off, Alea lost an important support pillar in her life, and her mind often wanders to Mia, with Mia being the main reason, Alea is afraid of the Sigrblót.

Sometimes when I dream, I'm back standing out there in the cold, my red hair getting heavy with rain, standing in front of an unknown door that I know holds my future inside.
Frightened and conflicted, I open the door just to I wake up sweating in my bed, and I have to calm myself - remind myself that things worked out.
That I'm safe.
Alea With Coffee by Doodles Most Foul
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
May 7th
Confident, alluring; Light Cobalt Green 356
Ruby red shaggy bob with bangs; Permanent Carmine 126
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, warm brown; Terracotta 186
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I did what I had to do - what somebody had to do."
Known Languages
German, English, a little french
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
The Reluctant Hero
Alea First Drawing by Doodles Most Foul

Articles under Alea

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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