Lív, the Swan Maiden Character in Unveiled | World Anvil

Lív, the Swan Maiden

Lív Berg

One of Alea's best friend is Lív, a local Swan Maiden with whom she is very close.
Lív is the daughter of a Danish nature photographer and a Swan Maiden, who passed before she knew her.
She spends winters in Evergreen Grove with her flock, and summers migrating - travelling around Scandinavia.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A small, elegant frame, skinny but slightly athletic build.
A healthy color in her cheeks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lív grew up alone with her caring father in Denmark, enjoying a quiet childhood.
At The Unravelling, when she was unveiled, her father fought through his confusion and remained supportive of his little girl. He could finally connect the dots of her mother, whom he had met on a trip doing nature photography, and who had arrived at his door six months later, pregnant and looking for shelter. She had left him again a year after the child was born.

Shortly after the Veil fell, three beautiful white women in light white dresses came to his house. They - like Lív's mother, they said - were swan maidens, and were here to gift Lív her mother's swan skin, and take her into their flock.
Her father had planned for this possibility and agreed to their terms, as long as it was Lív's decision and that he could still see her. She moved with them to the newly revealed Fey Grove Elverhøj on the Danish island of Møn, and later her father followed, moving to a nearby town.
As a Swan Maiden, Lív migrates around the northern countries throughout the year. Her flock has several stops around Denmark, Sweden and Finland during summer, and spends winters in Evergreen Glade.

Personality Characteristics


Like many Fey Folk, Swan Maidens are free spirits, unlikely to set goals in life or be ambitious, and Lív is no exception.
While many Swam Maidens are contend in the social circle of their flock, Lív cares much for Alea as well - even occationally spending time with her, away from her flock. Possibly affected by her prolonged time as a changeling before becoming, and the strong bond between them back then.

Likes & Dislikes

Social gatherings, spending time in nature, watching extreme weather conditions.

Virtues & Personality perks

Lív is very emotionally invested in the well-being of others, and shares in the joy and sadness of those around her.


Contacts & Relations

Lív and her flock have many contacts from their yearly migration travels. They spend winter in Evergreen Glade and summer across Scandinavia, visiting several Fey Groves and lakes along their travels, making them perhaps the Fey Folk most up-to-date with the worldly events of The Hidden People.

Family Ties

Lív and her Swan Maiden flock is very tight-knit, spending most of every day together, and she's only apart from them when she chooses to spend time with Alea instead.

Social Aptitude

A charming girl with a big heart, but very socially dependent on her flock

Hobbies & Pets

The hobbies of all the swan maidens are hanging out, dazing, swimming and gossiping.
Lív really loves taking in a beautiful vista of nature, and will often scout an area, looking for good vantage points for breathtaking views.


Soft and well-spoken, Lív has a gentle voice, calming and kind. She is very expressive of her honest words of affection.



Best friend (Vital)

Towards Lív, the Swan Maiden



Lív, the Swan Maiden

Close friend (Vital)

Towards Alea




Lív met Alea during her flock's first winter stay at Evergreen Glade, where they became fast friends, Lív really latching on to Alea, whenever her flock would be in EG.

Nicknames & Petnames

Lív calls Alea "Allie"

Relationship Reasoning

Lív is was younger than the other Swan Maidens and was happy to stay for a while at a place with kids her own age, connecting most with Alea.

Shared Acquaintances

Both being at least partially raised at Evergreen Glade, they know many of the same people.

Yours Forever, Lív by Doodles Most Foul
Current Location
Long, blond hair with wave curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, healthy

Articles under Lív, the Swan Maiden

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul
This article has no secrets.


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