
Tiernan Ó Buadhachanáin (a.k.a. The Ivory Spider)

A devious Àlf with a taste for sweets and innocence. He is a rich man with his own business with offices in Garden City.
He is a sexual predator devout of morals and with a big mysterious plot.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An athletic man, he was well versed in melee combat when such things were needed. He has long since switched his battlefield to board room bureaucracy and intrigue.
While still in great shape, his fighting skills are perhaps a bit rusty.

Physical quirks

His left eye twitches the more he feels out of control.

Special abilities

As a Tuatha Dé Danann, he is versed in shaping magic energies around him into a shrouding mist, called Féth fíada, making him invisible or unnoticed.

Apparel & Accessories

Always sharply dressed, something in his attire usually has a little celtic flair to it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tiernan is ancient. He was one of the Tuatha Dé Danann, blessed with Eternal Youth by Manannán mac Lir, as he hid them in a Fairy Mound, when they were forced from the Irish lands in the time of legends.


Mostly heterosexual, Tiernan is more attracted to women, but as a very sexually driven being, as his appetite grows, he grows less peckish.
He also enjoys taking sex to far, crossing boundaries, and "breaking pretty little things".


An intellectual man, he has made sure to keep updated on knowledge pertaining to his fields of expertise

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tiernan leads his own business from Garden City, and is a very rich Alf.

Failures & Embarrassments

When The Great Veil fell, Tiernan was in the middle of an important board meeting. First noticing something was wrong, when one of the board members snickered at him, pointing out whether his pointy ears meant that he had developed a sense of humor. Tiernan excused himself immediately from the meeting, and was furious that he had been revealed.
He immediately set blóts in motion to make every board member and their confidants forget what they had seen, draining a lot of his time an resources.

Intellectual Characteristics

A very clever man, Alea will have to fight out of becoming a pawn in his four-dimensional chess.

Morality & Philosophy

In true Àlf fashion, Tiernan actually cares deeply about nature, but more than most Alfs, he hates humanity for their destruction of nature, and dreams of a world where only the Aes Sídhe are left.
He has few scruples, and few things are below him if needed.

Personality Characteristics


Driven ambitiously by his idea, that he can plan the fall of man, this is his main motivation.
He has a raging sexual desire, that he fights to keep in check.

Likes & Dislikes

A sweet tooth, signs of his presence will be shown through small cues.

Vices & Personality flaws

Adicted to sex and asserting his will over others.


Contacts & Relations

While no longer affiliated with his Tuatha de Dánann brethren, he still has important contacts. Some who shares his convictions.
He also has contact with witches, if he needs guidance or hopes to guide the flow of magic.

Social Aptitude

Tiernan has an air of confidence around him. He can be very charismatic, when he needs to, but sometimes his arrogance shines through.
He has a great understanding of etiquette, and always comes off as acting correct for each situation, as long as he keeps his cool.


He is very well-spoken. Often thinking before chosing the correct words. His body language may come of as "stiff".

Hobbies & Pets

The closest thing he has to pets & hobbies, would be his retainers - people he keeps around him to slowly break down and become his "plaything of the week", before discarding them as soon as they show the least sign of age.


A soft, slow voice, when he purrs, but a powerful preciseness, when he yells.
When he panicks, he barks.
"I needed your help. I can't be judged for... not being able to keep my desires in check around you," he purrs with an air of innocence.
Modern Tuatha Dé by Doodles Most Foul
Current Status
Looking for someone to break the status quo
Current Location
Current Residence
Dark green
Blonde, slick back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Healthy pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I have quite the appetite"

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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