Redlands Geographic Location in Ur'Den | World Anvil
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"This place is as hot as a Gargant's testicles and even less appealing."
-Khardon, Skegg traveler.

The Redlands refers to the arid badlands in central Ur'En. The name is given for the red-brown soil of region. Temperatures during the dry season reach well into dangerous, and regularly drop down to freezing at night. Annual precipitation is very light, with most of it falling during one or two rains a year, leading to sparse vegetation. Much of what survives here is hardy and well adjusted to live were open water and food supply are by no means guaranteed. Many of the animals here are extremely venomous, such as the Green-ring scorpion and Deathskitter tarantula. This had lead to a reputation for the Redlands being a place where only Kalari and desperate fugitives live, although there are exceptions.

Historically, several empires have laid claim to this region. However, rule is difficult to enforce. With few natural resources of its own and great difficulty in extracting it, most who claim to rule this territory do so in name only.


The region exists in the rain shadow of the White-Bone-Teeth Mountains. Most of the rainfall drops on the north and eastern sides, leaving the southern and western sides arid and hot. The Redlands encompass an area many square leagues in size, though its boarders are poorly defined. The most striking feature of the region are the large rock formations that periodically dot the landscape.

It has been speculated that the area may once have been underwater, due to the presence of sea-shells found in rocks. However, it is difficult to confirm this claim.

Fauna & Flora

The most common plant life found here are sagebrush. Trees will occasionally grow where shade permits. Cacti and other hardy desert plants can be found here as well. Following the first rain, the entire Redlands with sprout with short-lived desert flowers.

During this time, the insect population explodes, such as the locust-like Thristlebug , as do those of the creatures that feed on them. The Redlands are temporarily turned into a verdant realm, teeming with life. When the dry season begins, however, all of the flowers not already eaten will quickly dry out, dropping their seeds in hopes of perpetuating the desert tradition unto the next generation. The insects will move on to the tougher sage, lavender, and tumbleweed.

The Redlands are also home to the Kalari a species of sapient humanoid lizards who wander in nomadic tribes following Thristlebug as they migrate in search of new food sources.

Although not native to the area, small populations of Brohnx have escaped into the wild to become an invasive species. They have no natural predators and are quickly becoming a nuisance.

Natural Resources

The Redlands are considered a barren wasteland, beneath the notice of most peoples. However, there are a few things that the land might give to those willing to sacrifice to get them.

Some Geomancers have been able to discover that the Redlands are home to large deposits of silver, deep beneath the surface. These remain largely untapped, due to the fact that there are other sources of silver, such as the White-Bone-Teeth Mountains to the east, which can be reached without having to trek many leagues through the rough desert. It has bee speculated that there are also noteworthy deposits of precious stones and perhaps even gold but this remains unconfirmed.

The Redlands dry climate means that many Promethean ruins remain exposed, making them much easier to discover. Large scale delves into these places, as well as attempts to map their locations have been thus far unpursued. It is possible that these could yield great rewards within but few are willing to invest such a risky venture.

Perhaps the Redlands most important resource is its strategic location. Situated in central Ur'En and granting access to some of the few passes along the White-Bone-Teeth Mountains, the Redlands would make a tempting prize but for the difficulty maintaining control over such a large and harsh region. Efforts made to project power into the Redlands in the past have resulted in abysmal failure. Most forces looking for information or safe passage through opt to hire a Kalari thrash, rather than try to undertake the effort themselves.

Alternative Name(s)
The Mesa, Kir-Uh Plains, The Worst
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