Ur Brimstone Keep Revolt

Brimstone Keep Revolt

Military: Battle


The final conflict of the age of strife sees Legate Tymol crush Kymrag's rebels in their assault on Castle Vorstag.

Kymrag a dwarf lord leads a revolt against the garrison of Castle Vorstag (the brimstone keep to the dwarves) in the city of Underhold. His followers include a diverse collection of Underhold’s inhabitants notably: Drow, Dwarves, Humans and Halflings. They achieved relatively quick success after surrounding and sieging the castle. Within a matter of weeks its commander Legate Raylus of the Under Legion realizes her position is completely untenable as the entirety of Underhold seemingly rose against her and the legion. Kymrag parlayed this advantage and offered the Legate safe passage out of Underhold in exchange for the peaceful surrender of the keep. Raylus having no choice, took the deal and led her legions out of Underhold toward the surface where the Bomac Mountains meet Heartrock to regroup.   Tymol’s Legion began marching towards Underhold after entering Deeprock at The Gates of Bomac. At some point in his descent the Legate and his Legion must have encountered Raylus and what was left of her garrison from Castle Vorstag. She was separated from her legion’s other fortifications throughout Deeprock during the revolt. Which were isolated dealing with their own assaults from rebels, they were unable to connect with their Legate until they were relieved too late by Oris’ forces. In spite of this nobody saw Raylus or her forces again after they left Underhold.   The propaganda of Tull would have you believe that Tymol liberated the city from a reign of terror after rebels overwhelmed the brave Legate Raylus and her men. There aren’t any direct Imperial accounts to contradict this aside from the story Tymol tells the nobility which was mostly the same except that Raylus was either a traitor or coward who, when faced with Kymrag, abandoned her post and fled with her guards. She then tried to convince Tymol and his men to flee. Which forced Tymol to begrudgingly put an end to her to avoid another Legate fomenting a mutiny among his legion. Which he mostly tells to add a layer of misdirection for any rumors that may spread from his loyal men.

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