Ur History of Ur Timeline

History of Ur

3rd Era

The Mortal Age

  • 14

    The University of Windswept

    The wizard Beyson Stomwinter founds the University of Windswept in the northern reaches of Karrock

7th Era

The Age of Strife

  • 297

    61 Ozzi

    Last known dragon slaying
    Cultural event

    The Order of Valor slays the dragon Nzgormu. It's said that the treasure horde of the dragon was used to fund The Order, this and the slaying itself has propelled them to prominence on Allrock.

  • 949

    20 Lissoi

    90 Lissoi

    Brimstone Keep Revolt
    Military: Battle

    The final conflict of the age of strife sees Legate Tymol crush Kymrag's rebels in their assault on Castle Vorstag.

8th Era

  • 8

    The Pact is Founded

    After years of skirmishing in the Bomac mountains the Imperial Legion finally yields and the province is ceded its independence. Its Dwarves alongside the Elves of Sunset and the Men of Kli'ir join together to form The Pact.

  • 19

    13 Immosi

    Your Journey Begins