Polar Vance Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Polar Vance

The Sellsword

Once an orphan that was seemingly abandoned to the Nest, Polar Vance has spent his entire life ingratiating himself into his adopted home.
He achieved this through martial prowess, violence of action, and a strange sense of honour for one that called the Nest home. Indeed, his nickname of 'Polar' was given with how quickly his mood could change at the drop of a pin. One moment, you might almost think you were speaking with a kindly uncle trying to offer a friendly word, only for the next second to have him attacking you like a frenzied animal.
Despite this reputation, or perhaps because of it, Polar Vance rose to become the new leader of The Scarlet Owls.
The impact of his ascension was immediate as the Scarlet Owls recovered from the loss of their previous leader. However, only time will tell what the influence of this hard-bitten warrior will be on the Nest alone as one its newest Knights of the Road, or on the City of Ur itself.
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