The Scarlet Owls Organization in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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The Scarlet Owls

Sphere: Criminal   The Scarlet Owls, recognisable by the red scarves they wear, are one of the major crime families within the Nest.
They are known for being strong fighters and have regularly hired out members of their gang to act as muscle, bodyguards, mercenaries or even taking the occasional bounty hunt (against non-Knights of course).
They have been trying to project a more professional image of late, operating as a quasi-police force in the Nest and trying to keep order (or at least what the Knights of the Road consider Order).
They have a long standing grudge against the Dogma and often respond aggressively if known Dogma affiliates step into their turf.
Illicit, Gang
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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