Dragon Coast Geographic Location in Urbûn | World Anvil
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Dragon Coast

The Dragon Coast, was the region in north-western Euron that lay along the coast of the Sea of Fallen Men and. It was bordered by The Lands of Always Winter in the North, and to the south by the feudal nation of Preamor.   Some say the Dragon Coast took its name from the battles betwen giant-kin and dragons that took place here eons ago along the coastline between the Stoneblood River and the isle of Narbo. Traveling author Cralthud Durbarum attributed the region's name to its dangerous inhabitants, both humanoid and bestial.


The Reaper Isles An archipelago west of the coast of Euron, the Reaper Isles are mostly controlled by the Vultures, a pirate gang, out of the Dragon Coast .   Notable Settlements:   Ornyll Ornyll is a port town on the southern most end of the Dragon Coast

Fauna & Flora

it is quite common to encounter sea gulls and sand crabs on the beach near Wadrun.
Coast / Shore
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species