The Crowned Chiefdom of Fionmagh Organization in Urbûn | World Anvil
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The Crowned Chiefdom of Fionmagh

The Crowned Chiefdom of Fionmagh is a nation on the continent of Naghron, dominating the Northeastern half of the region of Nympharum. Founded thirteen generations before the Calamity, Fionmagh has slowly encompassed territory of the continent and now mainly minds itself. The capital of Fionmagh is Garagorm a massive city about the size of Dralio.   It is historically one of the most culturaly stagnant countries of Urbûn. By choice, its people became isolationists and had little relations with nearby Duryad or other neighboring countries.  
I could talk about the gods, but they has no place where we are going. I could talk about honour, but you are here. You know enough about honour. I know you all as men, but today... today we are beasts. We fight for the gods, for honor, for country, for family, for yourselves, I do not care, as long as YOU FIGHT!
— George Fergus II "Ironfist" DrummBroch


After coming out of a centuries-long period of war, Fionmagh was founded as a monarchy in about 1725 AC. Around 1369 AC, there was some sentiment that the monarch should be advised by a council. The ruling monarch had a personal advisor, who had the title (amongst others) of High Whisperer, and who was in charge of the gathering of taxes, royal spies and the secret police.

Public Agenda

The Crowned Chiefdom  seeks the unification of the north of the continent and the assured prosperity of its citizens.


As of 6 AC, the country was under threat from all sides and struggling to hold onto order. Nobles bickered over land rights, Nymphar merchants tried to gain a trading foothold, and there was a growing Duryad presence on the island of Thule. The rebelious province of Nympharum and the growing Sultanate of Duryad both posed a threat. the kingdom also mourned the the death of Queen Galodira.   from 8 PC to present day, the country felt the effects of the Thulian War and the death of Admiral Bhaltair Guaire. Bandits inhabited the roads and a booming goblin population inhabited the forests, blocking all land trade from the capital. The last of the navy was destroyed in a battle of Z'ar Rilark, leaving the strategically important western coast of the country open and vulerable wishing to invade.   The ruler as of 11 AC, George Ironfist, had his hands full dealing with all of these threats.


The Thronesguard is a paramilitary gendarmerie that serves a the primary law enforcement arm of Fionmagh, as well as its military reserve. They are sent throughout each major settlement in order to keep the peace, while also acting as a national secret police that observes and eliminates any opponents to King George Ironfist's reign. Their standard uniform and equipment consists of navy blue or azure robes, bronze scale mail breast and arm plates, a shield, greaves, a helmet, a crossbow, and a basic longsword.


The Fiergish renounced the advancing of civilization as was found in other lands across Urbûn, preferring to hold on tight to what they referred to as the "warrior ideal".

Foreign Relations

Tensions are rising with the land of Duryad, which borders Fionmagh to the south and east. In the past, the Fiergish have mostly left Duryad to its own devices. The nation's closest neighbour is the The Nympharum Concord, but the two have a rather cold strained and tenious. The traditionally elven Concord feel that Fionmagh is encroaching on what is theirs, while Fionmagh thinks Nympharum is a perfect example of how elves can't be negotiated with.


Founding Date
-1725 AC
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Judicial Body
The Kingdom's court system runs on a per-locale level. Most major cities have a local court which handles most legal disputes ranging from simple business disagreements to moderately severe crimes such as assault. Court cases are overseen by a single judge, nobles appointed by the regional governor and given the title of Iudex. The Iudex proceeds over the case as the affected parties are given a chance to state their case. Often times, clerics are employed for their use of divination magic, if a party is suspected of being dishonest. The Iudex's decision is usually final.   For particularly heinous crimes or for significant cases, the trial is conducted by the Crown High Court. Overseen by the High Iudex, appointed by the High King themself, the High Court resolves cases such as high treason and cases in which the Kingdom is involved. These cases are decisively final.   Some crimes and common punishment include:
  • Theft - 30 day incarceration
  • Tax Evasion - Fine of twice the amount owed
  • Worship of Heretical Deities - Branded a heretic, a 6 month incarceration and reeducation, & 500 gp fine
  • Worship of fiendish/evil entities - Branded a heretic, 1 year incarceration and reeducation & 750 gp fine
  • Practice of arcane magic - Branded a sorcerer, 5 year correctional program, and public shaming, or burned at the stake
  • Use of arcane magic against others - Branded a sorcerer, 5 year incarceration plus 5 year correctional program, or burned at the stake
  • Practice of Witchcraft - Branded a witch, 5 year correctional program, or burned at the stake
  • Conspiring with the Duryad Sultanate - Branded a traitor, see Treason
  • Treason - Public execution, family name is smeared
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Trade Dealings

The Crowned Chiefdom and the Tzardom have had productive trade deals and both nations have long-standing friendly relations.

Trade Dealings

Both nations have sent well-received delegations.

Ancient Rivalry

The The Crowned Chiefdom sees themselves as superior to the elven nation of the Nympharum Concord. Tensions linger from due to frequent land disputes and bloddy skirmishes in the past. The traditionally elven Concord feel that Fionmagh is encroaching on what is theirs, while Fionmagh thinks Nympharum is a perfect example of how elves can't be negotiated with.

At war

On the eight of Summertide 8 PC word reached Qyzharah Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Duryadh that the imperial garrison at the Qurthi had fallen to the Kingdom of Fionmagh and that 22 large fiergish warships among other vessels had anchored in the harbor. With accounts numbering the dead at over 1000, war had been formally declared against the invading forces and on Fionmagh .

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