Defilers of Sihilka

The Defilers of Sihilka is a subsect of the church of Tecahteotl who specialize in one particular form of blood rite. They have learned how to extract the power and essence from Sihilka's favorite creatures, dinosaurs, and imbue that power into others. The details of this ritual are kept a secret to all outside the Defilers except for the fact that it requires the sacrifice and blood of a dinosaur. The Defilers most commonly use this ritual to create enhanced warriors for the nation of Huehla.   The primary objective of the Defilers of Sihilka is to eventually weaken Sihilka, the goddess of preservation and one of Tecahtoetl's more adamant foes, and her followers. They believe that each time they perform their ritual and sacrifice a dinosaur that it steals away a small portion of Sihilka's power. The Defilers actively work to subvert and corrupt the followers of Sihilka while at the same time bolstering the power of the church of Tecahteotl. The Defilers can be found throughout the world of Urlyra but the greatest concentration of them can be found in Huehla, the center of worship for Tecahteotl.   Induction into the Defilers of Sihilka is restricted to worshippers of Tecahteotl. Members seeking entry must also undergo a series of trials meant to test their faith, loyalty, and ultimately prepare them for the induction ceremony itself. The final step for joining the Defilers of Sihilka is to undergo and survive the blood ritual, called the Teostekla ("theft of divine blood"). After surviving the ritual, the new members may then begin to study and learn the secrets of the ritual themselves.

With each of her children we bleed, Sihilka bleeds a little more.

Religious, Other


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