The Toad Prince Character in Urvén | World Anvil
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The Toad Prince

Patron of all things that croak and ribbit. Warty and moist, but with exceptional legs.

His Royal Hopness the Toad Prince, Master of Languid Lake

A minor archfey, ruler of a small fey domain, the Toad Prince is a larger-than-normal, dark greed toad. While sat, he reaches a height of just under two feet and is a little wider than he is tall. His most prized possession, his scepter of good standing, increases his posture by a full four feet by giving him perfectly sculpted, hairless, human-shaped legs. He is also graced with a magnificent moustache, off-white and extending nearly to the edge of his round body.

He dresses in very little, a tall crown of pure gold and a red cloak (provided he has the legs to show it off) are all that adorn his body. He never carries a weapon.

The Toad Prince has substantial magical abilities that, like those of many archfey, do not follow the usual rules of the Weave. He has command over the creatures within his domain and can casually shrink interlopers down to a size that puts them at risk of being eaten.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

"There is nothing better in the world than a tasty treat snatched from the air by one's tongue."

"There is nothing worse than creatures that threaten the lives of my noisy subjects. Snakes and birds of prey are banned from my lands."

Wealth & Financial state

While his behavior is that of a wealthy lord, the Toad Prince appears to have precious few conventionally valuable possessions. His sceptre is both magical and made of solid gold, as is his crown, but the rest of his "hoard" is made up of particularly delicious insects and grubs.

Urvén Homebrew

Sceptre of Good Standing

Wondrous Item

Uncommon Fluid Requires Attunement

While this golden sceptre is in your possession, your legs are replaced with those of a perfectly-sculpted, muscular human. You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks involving running and your jump distance is doubled.

These legs are an appropriate size for a medium creature, unless you are larger, in which case they are of a size appropriate for you.

Cost: unknown
Weight: 2lb

Divine Classification
Minor Archfey
True Neutral
Current Residence
Usually upon his sitting stone
1'10" or 5'11" (with sceptre)
Known Languages

The Toad Prince speaks fluent Common and Sylvan, and is able to communicate with any amphibians.

Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Antonio López from Pixabay
Character Portrait image: by Katie


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