Underbridge Settlement in Urvén | World Anvil
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A busy, fey market town under a river that betrays the laws of physics.

Named for the large, stone bridge under and within which the construction of the settlement has spread, Underbridge is a bustling market town betwixt in the Feywild. It has many shops that cater to a wide range of customers, including travelers from other planes.

The location is particularly famous for its architecture. The large, stone bridge curves up and over one of the main thoroughfares of the Feywild and, contrary to convention, the river flows up and over the arch, irrespective of gravity. The settlement of Underbridge is old enough that no one remembers its construction, so the reasoning behind this has been lost to time.


There are no formal defenses within Underbridge. The town does, however, usually host a small number of seasonal court eladrin high guards.

Industry & Trade

While Underbridge does not create any products directly, it has many shops and stalls, including the following:

  • Tooth Fairy Tooth Emporium - A large selection of teeth and fangs looked after by a trio of tooth fairies. Not interested in money.
  • Jasta's Fine Cartography - a shop that only sells maps, from quick sketches to beautiful, detailed artwork. There are no maps of any recognisable locations.
  • Seeds, Nuts and Fruits - at least four stalls at any given time are selling natural produce, as either food or to plant.
  • Yom and Yom Expedient Experience - run by an identical pair of blue-skinned humanoids who finish each other's sentences, they sell bottles containing distilled skills, memories and abilities. They prefer to trade in kind, rather than simply accepting coinage.
  • The Magnificent Weave - a clothes stall owned and run by a flamboyant birdfolk gentleman. The clothing is largely made out of living plant matter, particularly leaves.


The construction of the bridge itself is made from dark, heavy stone. It's bricks and slabs vary in size, from pieces that sit as part of a large stone circle, to mere pebbles pushed into the gaps. Most of the shops and stalls are built from lumber and canvas, scattered around and up the three archways that the road splits under. A few businesses, particularly those catering to the tiniest denizens of the Feywild, are built directly into the stone.

There are no elements of Underbridge that are constructed up and over the river above.

Trade post
120 (est.)
Location under

Cover image: by Antonio López from Pixabay


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