Cmdr. Mercury Major

Mercury Major serves as the Warp Core Specialist on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychologcial Profile

Major is a case study in extreme dichotomy. He is driven yet lazy, charming but abrasive, and incredibly talented yet unproductive. HIghly eccentric, it semes Major gets enraptued with an idea and refuses to let anyone else prevent him from exploring this line of thinking until he is ready to move on. Sometimes this provides him with singular focus and drive that allowed him to rise quickly through the ranks on the USS Odyssey becoming its Chief Engineer only six years out of the Academy. Other times it can have disasterous results such as both his tours through the Engineering Corps' R&D programs (both times). His unorthodox thinking has resulted in some truly brilliant innovations but it is not a talent that can be harnessed and it seems Starfleet will need to rely on luck that his next inspiration will coincide with some actual useful development. Right now Major seems very fixated on warp core efficiencies and it is our recommendation that he be transferred to the field to maximize his effectiveness.   NOTE: Recently Major has been mentoring Ens. Bejta and it seems that this mentorship is developing into a romantic relationship. Given that Major his her direct superior this would be in violation of Starfleet protocols and should be addressed and, if necessary, one or the other would need to transfer roles for their relationship to satisfy the Starfleet Code of Ethics.  

Biographical Overview

Major was born on Earth to a very influential family that has had ties to Starfleet Engineering and Science going back generations. Showing an early aptitude for engineering and a keen interest in space exploration, Major was given numerous opportunities to excel and his path to Starfleet was well paved by the time it came for him to apply. In 2368 during his second year at Starfleet he became obsessed with creating a new stable alloy he theorizied could both increase hull strength while dramatically reducing weight on Federation ships. His coursework immediately become a secondary thought as he spent the next two years experimenting with diffferent radioactive isotopes in hopes of creating this new alloy. It was only through the direct intervention of Starfleet Command that kept him from flunking out but in 2370 he unveiled his new alloy. It was stronger and lighter than traditional alloys however the radioactivity meant it needed to be ioslated for 50 years before it was safe to be around large quantities of it. Even still it won him a Daystrom award and with that obsession behind him he was able to pull his grades back up to passing standards right before gradaution.   Claiming to be done with R&D for awhile, he served on the USS Odyssey as an Engineering Officer where he excelled and was rapidly promoted. By 2368 he was the Chief Engineer. In 2370 his mother became very ill and passed away. While he was on leave attending the funeral the USS Odyssey was tasked with entering the Gamma Quadrant where it was ambushed by Jem'Hadar fighters and destroyed. Major refused re-assignments for several years and was put into a rotation in Starfleet Engineering R&D where he accomplished nothing of note. Whe nthe USS Enterprise-E was launched he requested a transfer deseiring to study warp nacelle configurations. With his targeted research in 2375 he proposed a new alignment configuration that would reduce subspace friction by 75% lowering the structural integrity stress on ships at high warp. He was brought back to Engineering R&D to develop this idea further but by 2379 had accomplished nothing further of note. His request to rotate to the USS Orpheus to study warp core dynamics was approved and he joined the expedition to explore the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy
2361, 52th percentile** (See Biography) Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Corps of Engineers - R&D (2375-2379)
USS Enterprise-E (2372-2375)
Starfleet Corps of Engineers - R&D (2370-2372)
USS Odyssey (2361 - 2370)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 20th, 2339
Year of Birth
2337 44 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations