Cmn. Aldo Mallory

Aldo Mallory is a damage control technician working on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Mallory puts a lot of pressure on himself. His family's legacy in Starfleet weighs heavily on him and he feels considerable guilt over his actions, or more accurately his inactions on Rilek IV. In counseling sessions he berates himself for not standing up to Cmdr. Reid and stopping the slaughter of Dominion POWs. Although the trial was hard on him he has come through it more dedicated than ever to the ideals of Starfleet. He has become fiercely honor bound to the directives of Starfleet and has been throwing himself into his work since being reassigned.   

Biographical Overview

Mallory was quite literally born into starfleet having been delivered on a Federation ship while in transit. His family can trace enlistment into Starfleet back hundreds of years, pre-dating even the formation of the Federation. Given this long family history it came as no surprise when Mallory enlisted as well.    In 2372 he was assigned to the USS Cambrai.  In 2375 he was involved in the incident on Rilek IV. While ultimately blame fell on Cmdr. Reid, Mallory's involvement in what was ultimately deemed genocide has been noted. After a year of investigation and trial Mallory was demoted and transferred to the USS Nightingale.  

Update 2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Mallory has struggled coming to terms with metting his ancestor and being partially responsible for her being imprisoned due to crimes committed on the NX Atlantis. Additional psychological support has been authorized.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Cambrai (2372-2375)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 29th, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
USS Atlanta
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations