NX Atlantis

Atlantis (NX-05) was a 22nd century United Earth starship, an NX-class cruiser in United Earth Starfleet service in the 2150s decade. Shortly after its launch the outbreak of the Earth-Romulan war caused it to have repeated engagements with  Romulan ships.   The Atlantis fought off two Romulan birds-of-prey at Earth Colony III. While one of the Romulan vessels was destroyed, the Atlantis gave chase through an asteroid belt where they were caught in a wormhole that trapped them in the distant uncharted system of Gamma Ataria  where the other Romulan ship was destroyed.     While trapped in the wormhole an alien life boat was detected and brought onboard. The alien lifeboat contained an apparently violent shapeshifting creature leading the crew to descend into paranoia.  XO Commander Mallory and Chief Engineer Phillips both had polarizing views about how to deal with the shapeshifter and how to escape their situation in the wormhole. While Captain Suarez did his best to hold the crew together eventually violence broke out and the captain was killed with both Mallory and Phillips both accusing the other of causing the captain's death. Some of the crew, like Lt. Shaw continued to work towards escaping the wormhole but Philips and Mallory forced many into choosing sides and the ship descended into outright open warfare for several months.    In 2376 the USS Nightingale responded to the distress signal and found the Atlantis. Beaming aboard the away team was able to discover that the alien shapeshifter was actually an extradimensional scientist who had been testing an experimental gravity drive that had malfunctioned and caused the wormhole. After capturing both Philips and Mallory the Nightingale's away team was able to use quantum torpedoes to destroy the alien gravity drive and free the remains of the Atlantis.   The Atlantis was towed to Chiron Station and the surviving crew was safely returned to Federation space.


  • Cruise: Warp 4.5
  • Maximum: Warp 5

Weapons & Armament

  • 3 x phase cannon , total output 12 TeraWatts
  • 5 x Mod 2 spatial torpedo tube with 40 rounds

Armor and defense

  • Light Monotanium Single hull plus 5 cm Polarised armour.
  • Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Creation Date
Owning Organization
136 m
225 m
33 m
280,000 metric tons
Warp: 5
Complement / Crew