Cmn. André Vilatte (On-dray Vil-la-tay)

André Vilatte serves as a lab technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Vilatte is a classic example of a "late bloomer". During his primary education he didn't seem very interested in academics intending to pursue a hoverboarding career. When that didn't pan out he seemed to go through a period of intense re-evaluation and now seems to be very enthusiastic towards a career in Starfleet. He has expressed numerous times that he is interested in taking the officer exams but his primary education ended up being so lacking that he has a lot of studying to do before he can begin focusing on the officer exams. in the meantime he is incredibly positive and sanguine although this seems in no small part being his inability to understand just how much danger he is in.   NOTE: Vilatte has developed a close relationship with Lt. Cmdr. Solomon. It is unclear at this time if this is a professional mentorship or a personal relationship.  

Biographical Overview

In 2374 when Vilatte graduated primary education there seemed to be few indicators, if any, that his life would intersect with Starfleet. Growing up his parents worked as Federation civilian government administrators, he did poorly in academics, and his singular focus was on hoverboarding. He competed in multiple tournaments and in 2372 won a galactic invitational beating out top Klingon and Romulan participants earning him Federation-wide acclaim for his skills as a hoverboarder in the youth leagues. With that victory it seemed his future was set however by 2376 he had not secured any significant wins nor been accepted into any established teams for training and competition. He made several attempts to start up his own team but nothing ever panned out. In 2378 he decided to leave hovorboarding and enlisted in Starfleet as a science tech and was assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2373
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments