Lt. Cmdr. Sam Solomon

Sam Solomon serves as the senior structural engineer on the USS Orpheus.  

Psyhological Profile

Solomon is one of the Federation's foremost structural engineers however when this is brought up he will often indicate that it was never his intention to be the lead Starfleet anything. He joined Starfleet due to his passion in engineering and never had ambitions to climb the ladder any higher than Chief Engineer however his skills and talents were quickly recognized by Starfleet command and he will likely end up in a top role within Starfleet Engineering before his career is over.   Solomon takesa considerable pride in the quality of his work and can become quite prickly when it is called into question. He has been known to bombard people with his accomplishments in order to get his way causing friction among the crew. When his work isn't being questioned he is very outgoing and develops a social network quickly during his assignments.     NOTE: Solomon has developed a close relationship with Cmn. Vilatte. It is unclear at this time if this is a professional mentorship or a personal relationship.  

Biographical Overview

Solomon was born on the manufacturing world of Wall in 2339. The Solomon family traces its roots back hundreds of years to the founding of the colony and his family have operated as important administrators and diplomats ever since. Solomon showed little interest in administration or politics and his primary education years are marked with a large quantity of engineering electives. When he completed his primary education in 2357 he applied for Starrfleet Academy and was accepted as an engineer. While at Starfleet Academy he had repeated run-ins with campus security and was charged with dozens of minor acts of misconduct and vandalism ranging from drunken intoxication to an incident where an admiral's replicator was sabotaged to include pinches of salt in everything it replicated. In 2360 he became engaged to a member of another prominent family on Wall. In 2361 he graduated in the top half of his class and was assigned to Starbase 677 that was conducting experiments on new starship hull materials.   Solomon was married in 2362 and his wife was re-assigned to Starbase 677 as well however in 2369 they filed for separation and later divorce. Solomon completed his research on a new duranium alloy and was re-assigned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers to oversee the deployment across the fleet shipyards. In 2374 the rollout completed and Solomon requested ship duty and was assigned to the USS Oberon as the Chief Engineer. In 2376 he requested exploration duty and was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus as the head structural engineer.
Starfleet Academy
2361, 58th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Oberon (2374-2376)
Starfleet Engineering Corps (2369-2374)
Starbase 677 (2361-2369)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 31st, 2339
Year of Birth
2339 42 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations