Cmn. Bimma

Bimma serves as a security crewman on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Team).  

Psychological Profile

Across the Federation people use the phrase "born to do X". Born to lead or born to fly or born to fight, whatever the phrasing is it is a metaphor for someone with extreme aptitude and natural skill. For Bimma, however, she was literally born to fight. The Osnullus castes are specifically born to fulfill a role for the hive. In Bimma's case, that was to maintain order and defend territory. This biological drive to secure her surroundings lends itself quite well to a security team but caution musut be made because her heightened strength and thick carapace means it is quite easy in a scuffle for her to seriously injure her opponents. She thrived on the battlefields of the Dominion War and adjusting back to dealing with "friendlies" instead of "enemies" has been a difficult transition for her. Unlike other people that just have the mental adjustments to make, Bimma physically adapted to the battlefield and is either unable or unwilling to give up those combat adapatations even when stationed in a peacetime role.  

Biographical Overview

Like all Osnullus, Bimma was born in one of the hive cities of Osnia. Most of her species are content to serve their queen but Bimma felt the call of adventure and enlisted in Starfleet in 2353. Since then she has served as part of a security team for the next twenty five years. After the first decade some leaders offered to help push her to at least becoming a team leader if not taking the officer exams to move further up the ranks but Bimma has remained a crewman and has shown no inclination of wanting to be pushed any higher. She served with distinction during the Dominion War as a security expert for an experimental weapons research team and after two rotations in Starfleet Research she was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus to assist in its exploration of the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy
N/A - Enlisted in 2353 Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Research - Special Weapons (2371-2378)
USS Horizon Plateau [NCC-79856] (2370-2371)
USS Tyson [NCC-59831] (2363-2370)
USS Alexander [NCC-16573] (2358-2363)
Starbase 84 (2353-2358)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 27th, 2331
Year of Birth
2331 50 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations