Cmn. Brugo

Brugo serves as a security crewman on the USS Orpheus. (Epislon Team)    

Psychological Profile

Brugo is a pathological liar. There is no easy way to address this and no point in dancing around the topic with ambiguous terms or metaphors. He is a storyteller and everything he says is wrapped in exaggeration and hyperbole. Everything for him is either the greatest in the universe or the worst in the universe and, according to him, there is rarely any middle ground. That being said his manipulation of events is so obvious and transparent despite being a known liar it is relatively easy to figure out the truth from him. He does not pass the blame to others (although neither does he accept blame for himself) and when given a task he performs it. In combat he is determined and relentless displaying both physical aptitude and courage that Ferengi are not known to possess and this often leads to him being underestimated by his opponetns. He is tall for a Ferengi, although that doesn't put him in the same playing field as a Klingon or Nausicaan but he is much stronger than he looks between his time among pirates and serving Starfleet he has developed an unorthodox but very effective fighting style. It is noted he is a master of improvised weaponry, likely attained through a history of bar fights and close quarters boarding actions. Around Brugo, any loose object can quickly become a painful projectile or a deadly weapon.  

Biographical Overview

Prior to 2371 there are no Fedaration or Starfleet records for Brugo. For his life prior to being incarcerated he has proven to be an unreliable narrator so take the following with consideration that while it might be accurate in the broadest of strokes the details are likely heavily manipulated. Brugo was born to an extremely wealthy Ferengi merchant family that had extensive trade throughout the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Their family was held in such high regard that even the Grand Nagus himself was jealous of their profits and the Grand Nagus and his ministers conspired and plotted to bring down Brugo's family. Eventually they were successful not through proper mercantile maneuverings but by simply paying mercenaries to attack their assets and assassins to kill their family. Brugo survived the killings with a fate worse than death: destitution. Through sheer tenacity and cunning he survived as an orphan eventually being brought into the Maelstrom Mauraders pirate clan. According to Brugo, he joined the pirates in an attempt to rise through the ranks and, once in a position of power, planned to legitimize them and turn them into a proper and legal mercantile exchange. In reality, however, is that by 2371 Brugo had been flagged as pirate operating with the Marauders and as part of Operation Great Wall, Brugo and many other pirates were captured by the USS Samarkland. Brugo was assigned 25 years in a penal colony however in 2373 when the Dominion War broke out he was offered a lightened sentence in exchange for serving on the front lines. For the next three years Brugo saw heavy combat but emerged from the war with his freedom and to the surprise of many he turned right around and enlisted within Starfleet Security. After letters of support from his commanding officers from the war, he was accepted as a security crewman and assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2377
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 29th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations