Cmn. Brysta

Brysta serves as a shuttlecraft technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Brysta, like many lurians, mostly keeps to herself. She is highly observant but rarely speaks which has made it difficult for her to connect with the rest of the crew. SHe seems content to show up for her duty assignments, carry out the work and then enjoy a bit of rec time in a holodeck before repeating the cycle agian. From what we can assess this is partially due ot her personality, partially due to her species, and partially due to her still grieving the loss of almost half her siblings just a few years ago. When she has been urged to grieve, however, she somehow acquired an intoxicant and became violent enough that a security report had to be filed and she spent three days in the ship's brig. Starfleet Psyche has created a custom tailored plan for her to work through the anger she has over her loss.
NOTE: Ever since being accidentally abandoned during an EVA she has expressed anxiety from having to go EVA and until she can control her feelings it is recommended she be removed from EVA rotations except in an emergency. Starfleet Psychology has prescribed her an exposure therapy holodeck course to regain her confidence and teach her coping mechanisms to deal with her anxiety.    

Biographical Overview

Brysta was born and raised on Luria and like most Lurians didn't seem to entertain much ambition for ever leaving the planet. Her older siblings, however, decided to pool in and start up a shipping enterprise and their first shipment, in 2373, was to Maquis-controlled colonies along the Cardassian Border. They knew this was going to be a risky venture but they thought that as their cargo only contained foodstuffs and were legal transport they wouldn't have any issues with border patrols. Instead, a Cardassian patrol accused her family of smuggling and destroyed their ship.   Losing three siblings cause Brysta to re-evaluate her decisions and when war fully broke out later that year she applied as a technician having helped her siblings repair and retrofit their cargo vessel. She was assigned to the USS Orpheus and has been maintaining shuttlecraft for Starfleet ever since.  

2378 Update - Cpt. Eradas

There was an accident involving Brysta. Due to a faulty sensor it was reported that she had re-entered the ship after an EVA when in fact she was still outside of the ship. Due to the confusion around the event she spent nearly four hours stranded alone in deep space slowly watching her life support drain. She was recovered before it failed however she has been marked as being exempt from EVA assignment rotations until Starfleet pscyhe clears her for duty.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2373
Martial Status
Married, (Gornax, 5 kids)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 1st, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations