Cmn. Chudov "Max" Maximovich (Chud-off Max-ih-moe-vitch)

Chudov Maximovich is a member of Security Team #2 (aka the Bloody Hearts) on board the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Maximovich has a temper and based on reports from his childhood it is fearsome to behold. He has shown tremendous growth during his assignment with ████████ ████████ in keeping it under control but during times of extreme emotion he has shown a ferocious nature. Some commanders view that as an asset, someone who will fight tooth and nail when their backs are against the wall. Others might view it as a liability being unable to control their crew during times of extreme hazard. Either way superiors are advised to help Maximovich continue his breathing exercises during stressful situations so that he can maintain an even temperament and act as the situation demands and not beholden to wild emotions.   Based on recent evaluations it is believed that Maximovich and Cmn. Avison may have become romantically involved. As they are of similar rank and different departments there is no further consideration needed.  

Biographical Overview

Growing up on Archer IV meant that Mximovich grew up in the shadow of one of the Federation's greatest pioneers and explorers. Everything about the colony revolved around reverence for the crew of humanity's first warp capable ship, the NX-01 Enterprise. Maximovich was physically imposing even at a young age and due to his personal psychological traits he gravitated towards delinquency. In 2073 he was charged with defiling a statue to Cpt. Archer and was given a choice to either serve in a labor camp or enlist in Starfleet as they desperately needed soldiers due to the outbreak of the Dominion War. For two years he served as part of the elite ████████ ████████ and was sent behind enemy lines to sabotage ███████████ on ███████ ██████. After completing this mission he was reassigned to the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
████████ ███████ (2373-2075)
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 1st, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Archer IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations