Cmn. Wyn Avison (Win Av-ih-son)

Wyn Avison serves as a Lab Technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Avison is a difficult subject to profile as she hides behind a self-defense mechanism or sarcasm and indifference. It has been difficult to get straight answers out of her and this previous entry had to be re-written when it was discovered that she had never been enslaved by an Orion Pirate or forced to fight for her life against a giant lizard while being watched by omniscient observers as a child. Her psyche profile indicates some kind of deep seated trauma that is triggering this refusal to confront her own feelings or establish an open and honest relationship with those around her. Even when she is being sincere she disguises it with layers of sarcasm and irony, refusing to admit even to herself what her true feelings are. Until she opens up she will be both limited in her career progression and the Starfleet Psyche Profilers will be unable to give a proper recommendation.   Based on recent evaluations it is believed that Avison and Cmn. Chudov Maximovich may have become romantically involved. As they are of similar rank and different security teams there is no further consideration needed.   Based on recent evaluations it is believed that Avison is also in a casual romantic relationship with civilian scientist Dr. Rhyne. As they are of similar rank and different departments there is no further consideration needed.   ADDENDUM: It appears that neither Cmn. Maximovich or Dr. Rhyne are aware of the other's relationship and their superior officers should be prepared to deal with a potential conflict between the crew if or when they find out.  

Biographical Overview

Avison was born on Archer IV that constantly celebrated the first human explorers of Earth. While most of the planet's culture revolved around revering the explorers who first discovered the planet, Avison seemed uninterested in participating in the festivities or celebrations. She also seemed uninterested in her school work and barely progressed through her primary education. There are also notes for minor infractions and citations when she was a teenage although the harshest punishment anything warranted was community service cleaning up the graffiti she had caused.   In 2372 she was kicked out of her parents domicile and she went straight to the nearest enlistment office. Despite any kind of background in combat or tactics she proved to have uncanny hand-eye coordination and she ended up passing training in the top of her cohort. This earned her a position on board the USS Ipswich where she once again demonstrated a lack of commitment to Starfleet standards receiving numerous demerits for tardiness and insubordination. She also apparently came into conflict with Cmn. Bivam and their superior officer had to stop a heated verbal confrontation between the two that almost turned violent. Over the next several weeks Avison was involved in several dangerous accidents: during training her phaser overloaded, an anomalous reading led her patrol to a cargo bay where a cargo container shifted and almost crushed her, and an airlock malfunction almost blasted her into space while the ship was at warp speed. Suspicions of sabotage, especially with her recent conflict with Cmn. Bivam were investigated however everyone with motive had solid alibi and a security review could find no cause for the accidents besides bad luck.   In the end Avison put in a transfer request and it was quickly approved, shifting her over to the USS Nightingale.   UPDATE: In 2378 after conversations with Lt. Kixi she put in a transfer request to become a lab technican in the Science division leaving her security career behind.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

It appears that Avison has developed Kixi as a mentor and he has requested that she transfer from the USS Nightingale to the USS Orpheus to fill an available lab technician role there.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2373-2379)
USS Ipswich(2372-2373)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
August 1st, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Archer IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations