Cmn. Elizabeth Drakestel (Ee-liz-ah-beth Drah-kes-tell)

Elizabeth Drakestel serves as a yeoman on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Drakestel still harbors a lot of anger towards the universe over the death of her parents. It was a seemingly random accident that took her life away from her and she still hasn't completely accepted that sometimes bad things happen for no reason. Feeling stifled by the Federation foster care she ran away and ended up on what she thought was a standard merchant freighter but what turned out to be a contraband smuggler. She tried to leave the crew but was held hostage through threats and blackmail to keeep working. Eventually the captain ran afoul of an organized crime syndicate and in the shootout she was able to escape and slowly work her way back towards Federation space. This is the story she tells, at least. Outside of Federation and Starfleet observation the truth is what she says it is until evidence is discovered that would contradict her. As a piece of supporting evidence she has several gang tattoos for an organization that Starfleet Intelligence now reports as defunct.
Since joining Starfleet she seems to be trying very hard to apply herself and succeed within Starfleet however it has been noted she can be quick to anger and tends to resort to violence a little quicker than is comfortable. On the other hand, her experience on other ships has made her quite skillful in general maintenance and repair duties as well as the potential advantage of having someone familiar with black market operations on staff for reference.     NOTE: Drakestel and Lt. JG Biku grew up in the same Federation foster program.  

Biographical Overview

In 2354 there was an accident at the spaceport docks on Earth that killed Drakestel's parents. She was put into Federation foster care but struggled for many years come to terms with her grief. In 2366 she left Earth, abandoning her primary education and disappearing off Federation records. In 2376 she was logged at Deep Space 5 and she spent the next year re-applying herself and finishing her primary education. She enlisted in Starfleet in 2377 and was assigned to the USS Orpheus as part of its deep space exploration mission.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2377
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 22nd, 2350
Year of Birth
2350 31 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations