Lt. JG Biku Nalrot

Biku Nalrot serves as an operations officers focused on maintaing the computer systems on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Biku is highly talented officer who constantly grapples with self-confidence issues. Although she doesn't appear it, she is older compared to her peers due to the delayed education she received from growing up in a Cardassian Union forced labor camp. She takes considerable measures to appear younger so as to pass as a peer and to hide from the trauma likely inflicted upon her. She has yet to open up about her experiences in the camp and despite many years of focus she will only ever refer to that time in the vaguest of ways. As far as counseling sessions can tell, there doesn't appear to be any obvious impact from this trauma and it is possible due to her young age the other Bajorans shielded her from the worst of things and so her memories are more confused rather than trauamatic. Of concern is that there doesn't appear to be any records of her in any camp or even a good idea of which camp it could be. The Cardassians destroyed many of their records on leaving to hide the extent of their war crimes so this is not uncommon. The concern is that there is no supporting information to discover if she has any living relatives or to find out what exactly happened to her from other survivors. WIthout this context all that can be done is continual observation. Those observations so far just indicate a dedication to her work and a drive to continuously do better. She is uninterested in rank given how she turned down a promotion and instead seems to be driven by work she is interested in and surrounded by friends and colleagues she respects. NOTE: Biku has been getting lessons on what being a Bajoran means from her best friend Po. Privam.  

Biographical Overview

In 2354 Starfleet detected a lone shuttle drifting in Fedeartion near the border of then occupied Bajoran space. Inside was a Biku. Injured and severly malnourished she was rescued by a passing civilian vessel and brought to Starbase 14 for evalution. She claimed she had escaped from a Cardassian Union labor camp where she had been born. Her parents had died a long time ago and besides her name she knew little of what happened to her as a child. She was granted refugee status and placed into a foster system to acclimate her to Federation society and fill in the gaps in her education. It appears that the people in the camp took times between shift to teach her what they could. She had excellent understanding of math and sciences but very limited knowledge of history and current evnets.   Once acclimated she applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted through the Bajoran refugee program. She excelled in her technical work and graudated in 2368 where she served on the USS Majestic patrolling the Romulan border. In 2371 she was re-assigned to serve on the USS Zhaveyok as the Federation began preparing for potential conflict with The Dominion. The USS Zhaveyok was one of the first ships to encounter a Jem'Hadar criuser and win and Biku was directly cited by the captain as instrumental due to her creating a new algorithm for randomly adjusting shield frequency and discovering a way to temporarily block the Jem'Hadar phased polorn beams.   In 2375 she was marked for promotion to full Lieutenant but she declined it, instead taking a junior officer role at the request of Cpt. Eradas on the USS Orpheus instead where she serves as one of the lead Operations officers assigned to computer operations.  

2377 Update - Captain Eradas

I have worked with Biku for several years across multiple ships and it dawned on me that I have never seen her eat anything. We were at a birthday party and she declined to eat some cake and it dawned on me that she wasn't eating anything at the party. Since I've had that thought I have observed her when I can and have never seen her consume anything. As far as I can tell her medical reports are normal and it isn't negatively impacting anything, just a curious observation that I've made working alongside her for many years.  

2378 Update - Admiral Shepherd

It is with great sadness that I must amend this report by stating that Biku has been arrested for crimes of espionage and treason. During a court martial hearing for the new leadership of the Orpheus, accusations were leveled against Cpt. Eradas about collaberation with Romulan agents for personal gain. A group fo senior officers conspired to try to trade classified intel to a "Romulan agent" in order to get evidence that would clear Eradas however this was part of a sting operation carried out by Starfleet Intelligence. In the end it Biku was the only one of the group that pushed things far enough to warrant charges. In order to get to the bottom of Eradas' involvement with the Romulans, Biku has been removed from duty and brought back to Starfleet in order to learn more about this ring of traitors and her current status and location are classified.
Starfleet Academy
2368, 75th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Ramiro Biku)
Current Assignment
N/A (Under Arrest)
Previous Assignments
USS Orpheus (2375-2378)
USS Zhaveyok (2371-2375)
USS Majestic (2368-2371)
Current Status
Date of Birth
July 14th, 2336
Year of Birth
2336 45 Years old
Bajor VIII
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations