Cmn. Eril Bog (Air-ell Bog)

Eril Bog is a hull technician serving on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Bog is an unjoined Trill and seems quite happy to be so. Having grown up away from the Trill homeworld seems to have greatly reduced the pressures and desires put upon him to go through the Joining process. He is a very tranquil individual not prone to bouts of depression of negativity of any sort. He tries to lighten the mood with humor however most of his jokes seem to fall flat as he doesn't have the ability to properly deliver them. His work output is perfectly serviceable however he has an issue with confidence. During normal operations he seems a little unsure about his work and needs a bit of extra supervision however on the occasions that he goes above and beyond he quickly pivots to being overly reckless and careless and his work record is marked by success followed by careless mistakes. This constant oscillation has kept him from advancing in rank however he doesn't seem to have any particular drive to advance beyond his current rank.    NOTE: Although he is listed as unmarried in his file he has a long term relationship with another colonist, Jonah Wells, back on Marcs XII and together they have adopted three children, all war orphans from the Dominion War.   

Biographical Overview

Bog was born on Marcos XII, a busy Federation colony and one that is has a sizeable population. As such while his parents originally moved to Marcos XII for trade and commerce they ended up becoming important liaisons to the Trill homeworld. There ended up being a sizeable Trill population on Marcos and Bog's family helped ensure their needs and interests were accounted for. In 2365 Bog helped his parents push through new pest control policies to help prevent complications from insect bites with the Joined Trill population on the planet. Bog's academic scores were good enough to qualify  for Starfleet academy however even though he applied he never finished the submission process, instead he disappeared having apparently run away from home. He was recorded stowing away on various freighters and passenger liners and ended up making his way into Klingon space for several years where traces of his  activity broke down. He appeared suddenly in 2369 on Starbase 16 requesting re-entry into Federation space. After being cleared by customs he enlisted in Starfleet and joined up as an EVA/Hull technician specialist. He was initially assigned to the USS Canopus where he served without distinction until 2372. He was then re-assigned to the USS Gibralter as part of a staffing overhaul to get the ship prepared for service in the Dominion War. Although Bog's work has never been exemplary, he had sufficient certifications to qualify for work on a Sovereign class. Over the course of the war he served without notable distinction and in 2376 he was removed from the Gibralter and put on stand by at Starfleet until 2377 when the USS Nightingale required a massive influx of engineering candidates and once again Bog was assigned based on quantity of service as opposed to quality of service.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Bog's luck in being at the right place at the right time continues. The Orpheus needed a replacement hull technician and Bog had the right skills to get reassigned with a few of the other on the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Single, 3 children
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
USS Gibraltar (2372-2376)
USS Canopus [2369-2372)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 20th, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Marcos XII
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations