Cmn. Haley Winter

Haley Winter serves as a sensor technician on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Winter shows many indicators of high intelligence although she has never truly applied it to academics. Instead she is very adept at controlling and manipulating social engagements to her advantage. She is often very popular in her workspace and during ship events is almost always invited one way or another. She also has clear ambitions on advancement but she seems not to try and achieve that through hard work and dedication but instead through her networking and social skills. So far this has not been effective and it remains to be seen if she adjusts tactics having been stuck at Crewman rank. She is also noted to have a mischievous streak and her file has several demerits noted for practical jokes that have gone awry resulting in damage or injury.   ADDENDUM: Based on recent evaluations it is believed that Winter is having romantic encounters with Cmn. Dayton . As they are the same rank and on different shifts there is no further advisement needed.  

Biographical Overview

Winter was born to farmers from the Savoy region. Growing up she seemed inclined to follow in her families footsteps, often putting her own education second to the tasks required to help maintain their farm. However as soon as she turned 18 she enlisted within Starfleet and took the first assignment off planet. She served on the USS Black Forest without noticeable distinction and was marked for transfer to Starbase 69 where she served operations until 2374. With the Dominion War pulling more Starfleet personnel into action she was re-assigned to the USS Concord although she was only on board for three months before the ship was crippled in an engagement with The Dominion. Later that year she was re-assigned to the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Concord (2374-2374)
Starbase 69 (2370-2374)
USS Black Forest (2368-2370)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 1st, 2350
Year of Birth
2350 31 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations