Cmn. Haq Qiratt

Haq Qiratt serves as a security crewman on the USS Orpheus assigned to Zeta Team.  

Psychological Profile

Qiratt has been through a lot in his life and that experience gives him a lot of patience when it comes to dealing with disorderly crew or diplomats that are a bit too demanding of Starfleet hospitality. Given that he has raised two adopted girls as a single working parent it seems that no matter how insulting, he can maintain a calm and cool demeanor. Generally he is someone who is easy to fade into the background, quiet and competent, a guy that does his job and then goes home at the end of the day to a loving family. Off-duty he is quite popular has he is developing a standup routine that seems to be quite the hit although some people have questioned if he is allowed to say the things he does. It appears his humor relies heavily on species stereotypes which so far just seems to be playful jabs but could easily go too far one day.  

Biographical Overview

Qiratt was a private trader and merchant up utnil 2360. Fedartion records show he wasn't very profitable at it and struggled to put the time and attention into developing successful trade routes while raising two young children by himself. His cousin was involved in a fatal shuttle accident and Qiratt was the closest surviving relative so he adopted the children as his own and did his best raising them on his ship. Eventually he recognized his struggles and enlisted into Starfleet where his skills protecting himself in distant bars and unpatrolled sectors of space translated well into a role in ship's security.   While his children were growing up he requested to be stationed on starbases and from 2360-2371 he did not travel the galaxy but just helped enforce day-to-day security operations. In 2371 the needs of Starfleet were too great with the rising threat of The Dominion and he was assigned to the USS Gilgamesh, an Akira-class assigned to be a true battleship in the war. The Gilgamesh saw heavy fire and during a skirmish with the Jem'Hadar in 2373 Qiratt was badly injured. The Chief Medical Officer had to conduct triage due to an overwhelming number of injured and Qiratt was passed over for medical treatment as he was deemed too injured to likely survive. For 20 hours he struggled to survive but managed to pull through long enough that the CMO re-assessed his prognosis and completed life saving medical procedures. Due to his near death experience Qiratt was pulled from the front lines and spent the rest of the war in recover. In 2375 he was assigned to the USS Orpheus as part of a standard security rotation.
Starfleet Academy
N/A - Enlisted in 2360 Martial Status
Never Married, 2 children
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Academy
2366, 60th percentile Martial Status
Married (Kora Ororas, 3 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starfleet Medical - Patient (2373-2374)
USS Gilgamech [NCC-78348] (2371-2373)
Starbase 724 (2367-2371)
Starbase 282 (2365-2367)
Starbase 231 (2360-2365)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 7th, 2330
Year of Birth
2330 51 Years old
Bokara VI
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations