Cmn. Jesa Lando

Jesa Lando serves as an EPS Technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Jesa is a skilled technician, if a bit on the meek side. Her aptitude scores and performance reviews all show a high degree of skill and intelligent decision making. There are concerns, however, that she has become obsessed with her relationship status and this could be cause for concern. When she started dating a colleague on Starbase 250 her performance started to drop, mistakes were made and she started showing up to her shifts late. Her boyfriend ended up breaking up with her and having to file a restraining order as she didn't seem to want to take 'no' for an answer. Around this time the USS Europa had a stop at Starbase 250 and it is here when she likely encountered Ens. Nash. Almost immediately after the Europa departed Jesa seemed to ignore her ex-boyfriend and put in daily requests for transfer to the USS Europa. As the Europa was on deep space exploration she was instead transferred elsewhere to help resolve the issue. Sometime in 2377 she must have discovered Nash had been re-assigned to the Orpheus and she again started applying for transfer. This time the transfer was approved and she has just recently joined the crew of the Orpheus. Hopefully this obsessive fixation gets resolved amicably but it is advised that at any sign of stalking that disciplinary measures be taken.     NOTE: Computer logs have indicated she has searched Nash's name 2,315 times in the last three years.  

Biographical Overview

Jesa was born on a remote Bajoran colony along the Cardassian Union border. The colony was lucky enough to be too small for an extensive Cardassian presence during the Bajoran occupation but when Cardassia left, the colony was vulnerable to raiders. There was such concern over potential Cardassian border raids that the colony invested heavily into orbital sensors to provide early warning against Cardassian incursions. Her parents decided to apply for asylum within the Federation but were denied. Instead, they applied to grant Jesa foreign exchange privileges to study at Federation schools. In 2370, Prophet's Landing was raided and her parents were killed. Now a recognized refugee and orphan, Jesa continued studying in the Federation but the loss of her family had a dramatic effect on her academics and her application to Starfleet Academy ended up being half blank.   In 2371 she enlisted within Starfleet Ops as a EPS technician and was assigned to Starbase 250 and records showed high performance and markers for promotion. This changed in 2374 coinciding with her formal relationship with another Starfleet crewman. Shortly after this relationship ended in 2376 she put in a request for transfer and was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2371
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 152 (2377-2378) Starbase 250 (2371-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 18th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Prophet's Landing
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations