Cmn. Jhyro 'The Shiz' Sh'izhotrit

Jhyro 'The Shiz' Sh'izhotrit serves as a lab technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Shiz is very young and has an air of innocence and naivete around her that make her a lightning rod for attention. Half the crew wants to treat her like a cute little puppy while the other half sees someone easy to manipulate or fool for their own amusement. For her part she takes the hazing and jokes very well, often not even realizing that she is being made a fool. What her peers don't know is that despite her appearance she has spent most of her childhood practicing Andorian martial arts and just prior to her enlistment she cleared out half a bar when a fight broke out. So far she displays zero signs of a temper but the moment someone crosses that line will be a very different social dynamic for her and her peers. Her upbringing left her isolated from the wider space and she approaches both Starfleet and space in general with a wide-eyed optimism that is infectious.
NOTE: Po. Blackburn has taken a particular liking to Shiz and goes out of his way to make sure that nobody is harassing her and helping make her a little wiser about the motivations of her peers.  

Biographical Overview

The Shiz was born in a rural agriculture community on Andoria. She spent most of her time growing out helping her family on their farm. Her primary education scores were passable but not outstanding and when she gradudated in 2378 there was little chance of her getting into Starfleet Academy. Against the recommendations of her advisors, she applied anyway and, as expected, was rejected. In 2379 she enlisted with Starfleet opting in as a lab technician.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2379
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 14th, 2360
Year of Birth
2358 23 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations