Po. Marcus Blackburn

Marcus Blackburn serves as an inventory specialist on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Blackburn is an amazing individual. He doesn't quite look like it now but back in his prime while he was on the high wire he was something to behold. A fantastic physique and his act was the perfect blend of man and movement. I saw the show when I was young and his act mesmorized me. It was quite the delight when I realized he was part of Starfleet now and he deserves a clean and clear psyche evaluation. His very nature is hard work and discipline or else there would be no way he could perform death-defying feats night after night!  

Biographical Overview

Blackburn grew up on Bilaren V as a half-Klingon hybrid. During this time period it was difficult for his family to fit in due to several raids by Klingon ships during his childhood. He struggled academically but enjoyed success within extracurricular sports and while his primary education grades were low, he won multiple awards in a variety of sports. Upon graduating primary education in 2367 he joined the Cosmic Spectacular Carnival (CSC), a traveling show that went around the Federation and beyond putting on artistic feats of strength and agility. Blackburn became an acrobat famed for his ability to jump long distances between high wires as well as the strenght to do fantastic feats on the trapeze. In 2371 the CSC traveled through Ferengi Alliance territory and he rapidly accumulated a large debt to the Ferengi. Upon threat of enslavement he forfeited his position within the company and fled into Federation space to avoid his debts. The Ferengi put a bounty on his head and although they were unable to collect it while he remained in the Federation, it also barred him from ever leaving for fear of Orion or Klingon hunters bringing him in.   In 2373 he enlisted in Starfleet as a technician. During his time in the traveling show he had doubled as a maintenance specialist for the crew and he was able to pass his Operations exams becoming a supply officer. He was assigned to the USS Orpheus where he has remained serving. In 2378 in recognition of his service on the ship he was promoted to Petty Officer.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2373
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Octover 5th, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Bilaren V
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations