Cmn. Kellara

Kellara serves as a damage control technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shft).  

Psychological Profile

Kellara is brilliant and this intelligence is wasted doing technician work. The issue is that brilliance is buried under a veritable mountain of insecurities. First trying to compete in the highly intense Vulcan education system at a young age and then again when she was blamed for a lab explosion at Dravanos. Repeated attempts to remind her that failing to stand out on Vulcan is not uncommon for anyone and that Dravanos experienced two other lab incidents after she left has not done anything to resolve these inner feelings of inadequacy. That being said getting out of academia and scientific research has done a tremendous amount of good for her mental stability. She seems to really appreciate the relative simplicity of maintenance and repairs where you can do the job and see the results. For almost her entire life she has felt isolated and now she is developing a robust social cricle with the other engineering crewmen and is regularly enjoying social activities with her crewmates. Kellara is brilliant and that brilliance is wasted as a technician, however for the first time in her life she would likely consider herself feeling happy and accepted so it is our professional opinion that perhaps this time that brilliance should be wasted so that Kellara and be herself.   NOTE: Kellara was one of three survivors that were present when Cmdr. McCord was killed. By order of Lt. Cmdr. Duhl her testimony has been filed and sealed.  

Biographical Overview

Kellara was born on Vulcan to a human father and a vulcan mother. She struggled to get accepted into Vulcan society due to her human heritage and in 2354 her parents left Vulcan to grow up on Earth instead. Kellara struggled academically and but successfully completed primary education in 2370 and applied to various science research institutes. She was accepted into the Dravanos R&D Group where she was integrated into the research groups. During this time as a junior member she worked on more technical problems rather than scientific ones. In 2373 there was a lab accident resulting in her immediate dismissal. It seems that Kellara did not accomplish much during 2374 but by 2375 after applying and failing to receive any new research positions she enlisted in Starfleet, choosing to opt into engineering instead of the sciences. In 2375 after being certified she was assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2375
Martial Status
Married (Sosott, 2 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 21st, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations