Cmn. Layddevva (Lay-dev-vah)

Layddevva is a crewmen serving on the New Hope Security Team on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

This may seem a bit unorthodox but I am going to write this as Qplainly as I can and hope it makes it through review unedited. Layddevva displays severe psychopathic tendencies. She is incredibly manipulative and combined with her natural Orion pheromones' I believe she is deceiving and manipulating her superiors in order to advance her own career. She has received glowing recommendations by the head instructor at boot camp but other instructors have noted lax discipline, poor hand-eye coordination, and insubordination. When she was first rescued by the Wellington protocol should have been to return her immediately to Immigration & Asylum but instead Cpt. Stafford kept her on the Wellington for almost a year before she was sent over along with his letter of recommendation that got her through the enlistment process in the first place. Her psychological evaluations are useless as she is clearly lying to her evaluator and they are not challenging her on it, likely due to her appearance and personality. DO NOT LET HER INTO STARFLEET.   The above information should be disregarded. The evaluation supervisor responsible for this has been removed for unprofessional conduct and biased recommendations. Credit to Cpt. Wellington who provided testimony to determine the truth and get this evaluator removed from the position. Once a new evaluation is conducted this review will be flagged for expungement.  

Biographical Overview

Unfortunately as the Orion Syndicate operates outside of Federation observation the early life of Layddevva is unknown and she is not inclined to speak of it. It is believed she was enslaved at a young age and spent most of her youth in slave pens waiting to be sold. According to her report there was a disagreement between two slavers that led to a full mutiny and in the chaos she was able to make her way to an escape pod and was rescued by a passing Starfleet patrol vessel, the USS Wellington. The chief of security on the Wellington noted many inconsistencies with this story such as she was unusually well fed and clean for having just escape slavery, that there were no signs of any recent Orion slave ships in the area, and that the escape pod had its computer core wiped completely before she was rescued. After careful consideration however Cpt. Stafford granted her asylum status and she stayed on the Wellington until it returned to Earth for drydock.   She enlisted with Starfleet and joined the security team. The head instructor noted that she had prior combat training and she excelled in her role and should be fast tracked for promotion and potentially officer candidacy. Despite just being out of training she was recommended to join the USS Nightingale by the head instructor and this endorsement allowed her to beat out other more seasoned candidates to join the mission and explore the Typhon Expanse.   2377 Update: During a routine exploration mission, Layddevva went MIA and her current whereabouts are unknown. Mission details require Level 7 Security Clearance to access.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Missing In Action
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations