Cmn. Missouri Bucket

Missouri Bucket serves as a hull technician on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Bucket is unusual and apparently comes from a long line of unusual people. Her family has developed a reputation for incredible lateral thinking and approaching problems in very unusual ways. This fundamentally different paradigm has allowed them to see things that others have missed and her family has made groundbreaking strides in xenobiology that were, in hindsight, very obvious but just completely overlooked. Bucket can be characterized by her non-linear thought patterns and extreme empathy. Her sensitivity to the emtions around her almost seem psychic akin to a Betazoid empath rather than a human.   She is also very open and honest which given her unexpected observations have led to conflicts with her peers in the past. Unusual thinkers tend to take steps to hide their true selves to conform to societal norms but Bucket has no inclination of being anything less than herself. She has messy, unkempt hair while working with industrial machinery, she has enlisted in Engineering even though she more than qualified as a science officer and she seems perfectly content to do basic maintenance and repair even though her childhood was filled with exotic adventure. She is truly different but Starfleet above all else appreciates diversity of thought and so we welcome Bucket as a valued addition to the team.  

Biographical Overview

Bucket's parents were reknowned xenobiologists and brought Bucket with them on their numerous expeditions into unknown alien worlds. Bucket grew up surrounded by the new, the unknown, and the mysterious. Unfortunately these travels also led them into danger and in 2366 Bucket's older brother, Kentucky, was killed when their family accidentally disturbed a feral Gorn nest.   In 2372 her family was cataloging flora and fauna on a pre-warp world when an animal stampede separated Bucket from her family. For nearly two weeks she had to survive in a dangerous wilderness while her family tracked her down without violating the Prime Directive.   In 2379 she completed her primary education but failed to apply to Starfleet Academy. Instead she went down to the nearest enlistment office and enrolled as an engineering technician. Starfleet Recruitment thought this might have been a mistake and contacted both her and her parents but all parties confirmed she would be enlisting, not enrolling. She was assigned to the USS Orpheus as a hull technician shortly before the ship left dock to explore the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 6th, 2361
Year of Birth
2361 20 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations