Cmn. Qeq'no Noranat (Kek-no Nor-anne-at)

Qeq'no Noranat serves as a lab technician on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Noranat is both the luckiest and unluckiest person in Starfleet. The stories he tells and the way he is portrayed in logs has him stumbling head first into incredibly dangerous situations and emerging unscathed. According to counseling sessions, Noranat was not planning on joining a mining gang, instead he accidentally bumped into one of the gang's rivals at a bar knocking the man out a window and instantly earning him a spot in the gang. He didn't plan to join Starfleet but when he accidentally triggered a mine collapse and the gang pursued he stumbled into an enlistment center and got off planet as quickly as possible. Noranat claims he didn't even intend to get into a relationship with his husband but a series of misunderstandings and coincidences led to him feeling obligated to marry. According to his supervisors, Noranat is competent but a bit of a bumbler and projects he is assigned to seem to have higher incidents of accidents than normal. Noranat has also had to be reminded of lab safety procedures several times but so far has not caused any injuries or serious accidents.    

Biographical Overview

Noranat was born on Pallas Prime, known for its large deposits of radioactives that are mined and distributred throughout the Federation. His parents were accomplished Starfleet officers, his mother was a captain of her own ship, but Noranat seemed to have little interest in following in their footsteps. He fell into a local roughrider mining group and neglected his education to the point that he almost had to repeat his final year of primary education. On graduation he went down and worked the mines however in 2368 he showed up at a Starfleet enlistment center eager for enlistment. He signifed interest in a science technician track although the recruiting officer noted that Noranat seemed distracted and was filling out the form as quickly as possible. Noranats training scores were the lowest passing grade he did pass and he was assigned to Starbase 679. Over the next five years he entered into a relationship with another Starfleet technician, Raq'si, and in 2373 the couple was married. Within a week of their weddding the Dominion War broke out and Noranat elected to volunteer for frontline duty. He was re-assigned to the USS Franchise that saw intense combat throughout the war. Noranat was able to endure the war unscathed and remained on the Franchise until 2378 when it was brought back for overhaul. Noranat was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus as part of a crew rotation on its exploration of the Hellsmouth Nebula.  

2378 Update - Cpt. Eradas

It needs to be noted that during an encounter with a Ferengi merchant, Noranat got lost, ended up deep inside the Marauder's engineering section and accidentally sabotaged the Ferengi ship resulting in a warp containment breach and irradiating half the Ferengi ship. It was determined to all be a series of accidents and misunderstandings but the Federation was required to compensate the Ferengi for time and material for repairs. These kinds of series of accidents seem to happen a lot to Noranat.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2368
Martial Status
Married (Raq'si Noranat)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Franchise [NCC-70160] (2373-2378)
Starbase 679 (2368-2373)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 4th, 2346
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Pallas Prime
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations