Cmn. Rizzad

Rizzard serves as a security crewmen on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Rizzad is a prime example of the imporance in incorporating forgiveness and compassion intot he justice system. He had a difficult childhood and made some misguided decisions that wrapped him up into the affairs of gangs and criminals but when faced with true consequences of his actions, he decided to correct course. It is a very brave and difficult thing to leave behind everything that you have known and Rizzad showed these exemplary behaviors but turning his back to a life of crime and embracing a better more productive path with a career in Starfleet.   Still despite the past few years showing incredible improvement, it is noted that he still maintains ties with criminal elements from his youth and this could cause psychological pressure on him as his path diverts from his former peer group. Supervisors should be advised to monitor Rizzad closely for any signs he might have become entangled with negative influences once again.  

Biographical Overview

Rizzad was born into harsh conditions. Both of his parents were slaves of the Orion Syndicate. In 2352 his parents enacted a daring plan and the three of them escaped into Federation space and successfully petitioned for asylum.   Growing up, Rizzad's Orion heritage isolated him from his peers and he ended up in frequent alteracations with his peers and his education is marked by numerous minor infractions as he fell into deliquent groups. Eventually this led him to joining an organized gang that used displaced aliens like him as foot soldiers in trafficking illicit materials. Rizzad quickly rose through the ranks however during an alteraction with a rival group an innocent bystander was hurt and Rizzad soon cut ties to the gang.   He drifted around for a few years before enlisting into Starfleet in 2375. Although he was listed as prime suspect in several crimes he had never been formally charged with anything and the review board thought it was more important to offer him a chance at correcting the mistakes of his youth.   Since joining Starfleet he has performed well at his duties and in 2378 he was re-assigned to the USS Nightingale to explore the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy Class
  Martial Status
  Current Assignment
  USS Nightingale (2378-present)
  Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 21st, 2346
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Verax III
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations