Cmn. Roy Madigan (Roy Mad-ih-gan)

Roy Madigan is a sensor technician on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Madigan has large number of neurosis and a fragile sense of self. It is easy for him to get frustrated or depressive due to work or social interactions. He constantly worries about almost every part of his life and is particularly concerned about the quality of work. He blames himself for the lab accident at Starfleet Academy and this fear of hurting others has become internalized. While it does result in quality, borderline obsessive work, it also greatly hampers his confidence and ability to make split second decisions. This is likely why he  has focused on non critical systems as a technician and has avoided any direction towards leadership or promotion. Despite his neurosis he absolutely loves serving on a starship and seeing the stars and he has developed a large number of coping mechanisms to keep his mental state above the red line that would prevent him from serving.   ADDENDUM: Madigan has put in a request to be transferred to a different shift to avoid having Lt. N'Vol as his supervisor.   

Biographical Overview

Madigan was born on Earth to a long line of research scientists. His grandfather had won a Cochrane Scientific award and both of his parents had, at one point or another, worked at the Daystrom Institute. Madigan was intelligent but troubled and seemed to have difficulty adjusting to the pressures put upon him by his family.  He succeeded academically and was enrolled in Starfleet Academy where his grades fluctuated wildly. In his second year a lab accident triggered by one of Madigan's projects ended up severely injuring three other cadets. Ultimately the explosion was ruled an accident but Madigan left Starfleet.    For the next year it appears that he stayed at home but eventually he was convinced to instead enlist in Starfleet as a technician. In 2369 he  was assigned to the USS Breslau where he served competently but without particular merit or note. In 2371 he was re-assigned to the USS Salmanaca which served as a hospital and aide ship during the Dominion War. In 2375 he requested a transfer to the USS Nightingale  three months before the end of the war.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Divorced (Harley Williamson), 3 kids
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Salmanaca (2371-2375)
USS Breslau (2369-2371)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 23rd, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations