Cmn. S'roll (Sah-roll)

S'roll is a damage control technician on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

S'roll started out as an idyllic Starfleet officer candidate until her EVA accident. Being stranded and seemingly abandoned by her crew caused deep trauma that resulted in her leaving Starfleet entirely for several years. When she finally returned to Starfleet she had picked up some scars and an almost nihilistic attitude. When she left she was terrified that she would die alone in the cold vacuum of space. Now that she has returned she seems indifferent by her mortality. She isn't suicidal, instead seemingly accepting her fate that she could die in space at any time and yet she continues to feel compelled to travel the stars as it is what she did for her entire life. Her superiors praise her work for being expedient and efficient although she can be rather uncommunicative of problems she might be having, both professionally and personally. Given her background and brief career in the private sector she also has a strong value for money and wealth. So far this has only been an issue on her personal life but superiors are urged to watch out for problematic signs like gambling addictions that might negatively impact her work or career in Starfleet.   

Biographical Overview

S'roll was born on the Caitian homeworld. Her family owned a prominent shipping business on Cait and S'roll was expected to participate and take part in that organization. Even at a young age S'roll was learning to pilot starships and perform maintenance and repairs and she travelled to see many star systems by the time she became a teenager. Something happened during this time and she seemed to suddenly reject her dealings with her family. In 2372 she left her family business and booked passage offworld and never returned back to Cait. In 2373 she enrolled in Starfleet Academy and although her academics weren't quite up to Starfleet standards she was given special allowances for her extensive experience operating on starships.   In 2374 her class was on routine EVA training exercises when a solar flare caused their ship to receive extensive damage. The instructors were forced to leave S'Roll out on EVA for six hours by herself with no support, no communication, and limited oxygen supplies. While she was eventually rescued the incident had a dramatic impact on her academics and by the end of the year she had withdrawn from the academy. She seemed to drift around for awhile, surprisingly still plying the stars working as crew for several different shipping agencies.    In 2376 she enlisted in Starfleet as a technician and after a probationary period on Starbase 12 she was re-assigned to the USS Nightingale in 2377.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 12 (2376-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 10th, 2355
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations