Cmn. Sandrine 'Sandy' Bins

Sandrine "Sandy" Bins serves as a damage control technician on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Bins, or Sandy as she prefers to be called, will tell you all about her day, about her work, about her co-workesr, about the latest holoprograms, about the latest gossip around the ship. She will talk to you about anything and everything except about herself. She is quite adept at giving off the appearance of a less intelligent dredge of society but this is all a facade and she is very shrewd and very observant. Unfortunately she uses these gifts in order to con other people and mislead them instead of being productive with them. She has allegedly been involved with dozens of confidence scams over the years but while she is only a mediocre smuggler, her con artistry has left no evidence and no discernable paper trail.
Hopefully being imprisoned and then getting a chance to serve in Starfleet will show her a new path but supervisors should be aware that while crew should not be judged by the crimes they have been sentenced and served, one should be on the lookout for signs of recidivism.   NOTE: Bins is only one-quarter Vulcan. She had surgery to reshape her ears and dresses and styles to mimic Vulcan culture but supervisors are advised that there is no biological component that prevents a Vulcan from lying and Bins has used her Vulcan heritage to give herself the appearance of respectability on many of her crimes.  

Biographical Overview

Federation records on Bins' childhood are very spotty. Her parents moved around a lot often drifting in and out of Ferengi Alliance and Orion Syndicate territory where flight logs and cargo manifests are notoriously spotty. Given that in 2359 her parents were arrested for smuggling it seems likely they had been comitting illicit activities throughout Bins' childhood. Bins did not end up completing primary education and spent most of her life interacting with criminals and foreign nationals using her citizenship and parents ships to move in and out of Federation territory.
This came to an end in 2371 when she was arrested for smuggling contraband and she was sentenced to ten years in a Federation penal colony. When the Dominion War broke out non-violent prisoners with useful skills were allowed conditional release to serve administrative and logistics duty in order to free up Starfleet personnel for combat duty. During this time Bins was a technician on a transport delivering war supplies when a Jem'Hadar fighter patrol. Her transport was quickly incapacitated however Bins used the transporters to create an impromptu minefield with the proton toredoes being transported and when the Jem'Hadar approached they were detonated, crippling the Dominion ships and saving herself and the other Starfleet personnel.   Given her service and otherwise status as a model prisoner she was offered early release on condition of serving out her remaining time with Starfleet. Unfortunately in 2376 a different prisoner on the same program went rogue causing all prisoners on early release to be recalled back to penal colonies. In 2378 she was again flagged for early release and this time the paperwork went through assigning her as a crewman on the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 25th, 2343
Year of Birth
2343 38 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations